2• Say it love

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=6 Days Left=

It was when the two dates sat themselves around a rectangular table in Tranquility's restaurant where Marina realised just how much her nerves were affecting her. 

Three out of the four people had their noses buried in cream coloured menus. Alex sat right next to her, nonchalant in his seat, and the smell of his cologne was overpowering, diffusing into her mind. She found herself breathing manually.

"Look darling, it says they're serving their world class scampi tonight," said Alex, a simpering tone he often liked to put on whenever they were under the pretence of being a couple.

He knew it ignited her fury from the moment she was first subjected to it. He kept it as a constant.

Marina moved her menu away, trying her hand of sneering at him. Like she was gambling for her sanity on merely looking at his features.

"Oh yes, honeykins. I thought we could pair it with a Pinot Noir tonight, I know just how much you appreciate a good wine," she simpered as well, grateful the high tones could mask her jitters.

He abhorred the cheesy pet names the moment she started using them. She kept it as a constant.

He looked up to her. The corners of his mouth magnetised upwards, and her face started to boil as they locked gazes.

Miles' voice interrupted their conversation, soundtracked by the plonking of piano music.

"I must say, you two are quite the combination," he said, a row of polished white teeth blinding Marina, "been together long?

"Six months, I told you they've been together six months, Miles," Solana said quickly, as if trying to shut up a child. She didn't look up.

"Ah, that you did, darling, that you did," he leaned back in his chair, incredibly impressed with himself.

"Can I just mention," he said casually, ignoring how everyone else was still busy reading the menu, "what a pleasure it is to be in the company of Alex Turner?"

Alex looked up from his menu, his head still. Miles continued.

"I mean, Solana, when you said you were friends with him, I thought it was just one of your shoddy jokes. But here we are. Alex Turner, our local rockstar. Staying at me hotel and performing at me wedding."

Marina didn't have to see it but she knew Alex's eyes were rolling when the faint sound of a sigh came from him. Quiet enough so only she heard it.

"Honestly, I'm over the moon about this. D'yu mind signing a photograph for our wall?"

"I do a bit, yeah."

"What about my guitar? I've got an Ovation Viper."

"Not really."

"Oh no, why?"

"My hand's sore."

"Ooh, touchy touchy," he cooed, "Guess you're one of those celebrities who gotten to believing that their handwriting is God's gift to the world."

"The truth is, Mr Kane, I'm only here as a favour. It's an honour to perform for an old friend on the best day of her life."

"Ey, don't be trying to steal my girl now, yeah?" A crass smile formed on Miles. Marina almost retched at the sight. He followed it up with an equally stomach-turning cackle, which faded into the sounds of the restaurant.

Alex kept that piercing gaze on him.

"She's not yours, Miles." Marina cut in.

And Miles went to retaliate until he was interrupted by the blocky sounds of footsteps approaching their table. Eager for something else to look at other than her hands and the people she was dining with, she glanced to the source of them.

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