"So what?  There are about forty people staying here.  Mostly all males with big appetites."  He grinned.   "A little fatty like you couldn't compare."

"Look here, jerkface,"  I hadn't realised I'd moved closer to him.  The only way I could see him was thanks to the fridge door light.  I'm pretty sure I had a murderous face on.  I was not pleased.  Not at all, "you better stop calling me fat because I'm not.  This is called a food belly.  I've already threatened you and I promise you, I'm not bluffing."

"Like you could hurt me."

"Oh, you wanna try me?"  I wasn't bluffing.  I never bluffed.  Mason taught me that - always follow up on a promise.  Bluff in emergency situations only.

"Maybe you should go back and play with your dollies, girly."  Oh, that was it.  I'd had it up to my height with this guy.  He was arrogant, a prick and most of all he was annoyingly hot.  So I did what was natural to me.  I punched him, right in the chin.  I couldn't really reach his face, so the chin had to do.  He fell back, surprised at my force.  I may be little but I really punched a pack.

"Why you little-"  He growled before he heard a woman's voice scold him.

"Tristan Wolfe Grey!"  A woman who was strikingly gorgeous entered.  I could feel the anger rolling off her.  "What on Earth do you think you're doing?  Treating a woman like that!"  Tristan was stunned.  He was still standing, holding his chin and rubbing it.  I could feel a smirk building but I wasn't going to let it show.

"She started it!"  Oh my God.  He called me a child and now look at him.  What a snitch!

"Don't you start that with me!  You're twenty years old, an adult, soon to be an alpha-" She coughed, and corrected herself.  I furrowed my eyebrows, "soon to be the alpha male of the house.  You do not go around calling women names!  It's highly inappropriate.  I thought your father and I had brought you up better.  I don't see Thom doing this."  I could see a frown developing on her face.  Man, this woman could have been a supermodel.  No wonder Thom and Tristan were drop dead stunning.  The woman herself was amazing.  Her figure was being shown off in a tight dress and her long legs looked even longer in her black stilettos.  If only I could buy pretty stilettos like that.  Unfortunately, I only had trampled old trainers.

"Yes, mother."  Defeat was in his voice.  Wow.  I still couldn't believe he was twenty.  Almost four years older than me.  Which turned me on more than it should have.  I'd heard Thom was a good lay, and he was seventeen.  Imagine his brother, who had more experience.  Mmmmmm.  Okay, no, Samara.  Do not think of him like that!  He called you fat!  And you're pregnant.

"Now, apologise to the young lady."  I think that was the first time I'd ever been called a young lady when I wasn't in trouble.  It felt nice.  Weird that, I thought it'd be horrible.

"I'm... I'm..." He stumbled on the words.  His face scrunched up when he spat out the next word.  "Sorry."

"That's okay, I'm sure you won't do it again."  I chirped.  "It's rude to call girls fat, you know. I thought you'd know that, after all, you are twenty."  A large grin was planted on my face.     

 "Tristan!"  His mother, I assumed after what she had said earlier, looked shocked and horrified.

"Screw you."  He hissed to me, ignoring his mother's bleats.  He stormed out of the kitchen, like a child who hadn't got their own way.  What a sissy.  However, he left me there with his mother.  Which I was slightly scared about.  I didn't get on well with parents.  I was also feeling really sick.  Urgh.  What great timing my body had.

"I'm terribly sorry about him.  Recently, he's been so frustrated and he's had a lot on his plate.  He's always been a bit like this.  I really do apologise."  She looked as if she was wanting my forgiveness for her rude son.  Wow.  She seemed like such a nice mother.  Like, really caring.

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