Chapter 8

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333rd Legion Main Camp: Trer - 7 Days after Attack

Fang stood over the holomap, his brow furrowed in frustration. While a tactical retreat had been necessary, it had also complicated things immensely. The separatist forces had used the Republic's retreat as an opportunity to shore up their defenses. Now the 333rd, along with reserves from the 104th, were being forced to slog through some of the planets worst environments to try and bypass the main defenses.

He had been tasked with the planning and logistics of it all. It seemed that their new Jedi commander had better things to do than plan the assault.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Even if Jethro hadn't been the best of tacticians, at least he was willing to put in the work.


Fang looked up from the holomap and blinked as he tried to adjust his eyes.

A clone was standing at attention in the doorway. He was a shiny, completely untested by the battle field. He was one of the new arrivals to shore up the 333rd's dwindling numbers. He held a datapad in one hand.

"At ease. What is it?"

The clone approached the commander with a stiff, nervous gate and handed him the datapad.

"There's an urgent communication for you sir."

"Who's it from?"


Fang looked at the message displayed on the screen. His face went white. He shoved the datapad into the clone's chest and pushed past him.

"We need to get this to command! Now!"

The clone stood there, unnerved by the commander's sudden outburst.

"Get a kriffing move on!"

Coruscant: Level 1313 - 7 Days after Attack

Jethro came to slowly. The room was lit only by the faint lights of the city streaming through the blinds, falling in strips on the floor. There didn't seem to be any sound coming from the rest of the apartment, so he could only assume that their hosts were still asleep.

Riyo was still sleeping peacefully, her arms wrapped around him. She was beautiful in this light. Her pastel hair framed her round face and a slight smile graced her lips even in her sleep.

He knew that if the council found out about this, then he would be expelled from the order. He didn't care. He was happy for the first time in a long time, and he wanted to live in the moment for as long as possible.

There was a slight shuffling sound from the main room. It was probably their host moving around, but it made Jethro uneasy anyway. He untangled himself from Riyo, donned his pants, and headed into the living space to investigate. 

The room was as dark as the last, and Jethro struggled to make anything out. A figure was silhouetted against the window and Jethro had to squint intently before he could see that it was their host.

Jethro breathed a sigh of relief, "You scared me." 

Only then did Jethro take a closer look. The man's eyes were open wide in a look of shock. His mouth hung open, completing the look of sheer terror. The blade of a knife protruded from his chest.

It was pulled back through and the man pitched forward, revealing their pursuer, bloodied blade in hand.

Jethro was rooted to the spot, how had he found them?

Only now did he notice the old man, already dead on the couch, his throat cut.

He heard a gasp and saw Riyo standing in the bedroom doorway.

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