Chapter 11: dont touch whats mine!

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Stop what are you doing?? My wolf asks me as I stormed out of my office.

I'm getting away from that man before I fully loose it. That's what I'm doing. I tell my wolf. I heard her whimper before I close contact with her. I don't have time to argue with her about what Landon did.

I can hear him calling out my name as he is running after me. I can't look back at him, I feel angry, upset, embarrassed. I can't believe he marked me without my permission!

Please stop running away from him Mel. Hear him out! Please!? My wolf begs.

No! I won't hear him out. He marked me without my permission! I snap at her before I close contact with her. I get into my car and peel out of my club. I look out at my review mirror and I saw him standing where my car was parked, watching me drive away.

I made it home within 20 minutes of the drive. I turned off my car and I stayed in there for a good 5 minutes before I got out of the car.  I walk into the house and I saw Wesley sitting in the living room watching some T.V.

"Hey how was your night out?" He asks me as he notices Me walking in.

"It was....good" I told him ask I walked pasted him and into the kitchen. I heard his heavy footsteps follow behind me toward.

"Did something happen to you?" He asks me concerned.

"No, nothing bad happened Wes" I sigh as I grabbed a bottle water. When I turned around, I saw Wesley was centimeters away from me. I started to feel uneasy. Then suddenly I saw his eyes goes black as he notices the mark on my neck.

"What is that?!" He asks me angrily. I quickly cover it with my hand and push him away from me.

"It's none of your business" I tell him as I tried making my way up the stairs. But Wesley immediately grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him.  He started to sniff me and make a sour look.

"Why do you have his scent on you?" He asks almost enraged.

I yank my hand out of his grip and slap him on his face. "Whoever I hook up with is none of your concern. And the fact that he is my MATE shouldn't concern you. And as for what you saw on my neck, yes he mark me. Cause I am his and he is mine. If you don't like it, there's the door. Get out or grow a pair of fucking balls" I tell him before I storm upstairs in my room leaving him speechless.

The next day

The very next day, I wake up to an awful feeling in my body. It's like something is missing and there is a hole inside of me that needs to be filled.

It's the mate bond! Our body is missing our Mates touch, my wolf told me.

I take a deep breath. I guess I do....miss London....

Yay! I knew you missed him! My wolf started to jump in excitement.

Okay okay. Let me get changed and we will talk about this. I tell her as I get out and take a shower.

After I shower and brush my teeth, I wore my ripped washed jeans with a strapless black crop top that exposed my pierced belly button ring. I wore on my black heeled boots and tied my hair in a bun. I walked out and walked into the kitchen and I see Elli on the phone with someone. Probably her. I heard her say by to the person on the other line of the call.

"Hey alpha" Elli greats me.

"Hey Elli, who were you talking to?" I ask her as I grab an apple to eat.

"Oh, that was my umm....that was my...mate" says as she starts to blush.

"Awh how cute" I tell her as I give her a big smile. Elli wasn't really lucky in love. Her ex boyfriend cheated on her with a so called friend she had back in high school. He would always manipulate her, making her think it was her fault that he was cheating on her. That was until I came into the picture and put a stop to it. I helped her open her eyes to see that he was manipulating her. She dumped his sorry ass moved on from him. At first it wasn't easy for her to do, but then slowly she got better and didn't care anymore. Now that she has found her mate and he treats her better, I want to fully meet him.

"Are you happy with him?" I ask her as I take a bite of my Apple.

"More then happy!" She tells me excitedly. I smile at her enthusiasm. I look at my watch and saw that we will be late to first lecture of the day. I didn't feel like driving today so I asked Elli if she can take us to school.

When we got to the student parking lot, Elli and I parted ways cause she wanted to go and see her mate before lecture started.

I started to sniff the air and my mates scent washed over me. I turned my head towards his direction and I saw some unmated she-wolf who is up all over my mate!

My wolf and I weren't happy with what we were seeing. Before I knew it, I walked up towards them and slapped the shit out of her.

"Come near my mate again, you won't be able to grasp for another breath ever again. You got that?" I said through gritted teeth.

"He's not your mate if you haven't marked him yet" she says with a smirk.

"Well then, never say never bitch" I said. Then I grabbed Landon hand and pulled him inside the school. I found an empty closet and pushed him in.

"What the fuck are you doing with her?" I asked almost in a growl.

"Why, are you jealous or something?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

I growl at him for that comment he made. Suddenly I felt his arms snake around my waist and he turned us around where I am now against the wall and he is in front of me, pressing against me with his body. He had one hand against the wall as his other hand still rested on my waist. He leaned in close where I felt his hot breath on my neck, causing me to shiver.

"I missed you Landon" I whisper to his ear.

"I missed you too baby" he whispers back.

I snuggled closer to him as I rested my head on his chest, hearing his heart beating in a perfect rhythm. Landon lowered his head down so it was at the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent.  I moved my hand up to his chest as my other one snaked around his neck and brought his lips down to mine.

When his lips touched mine, I felt sparks fly from us. His lips are soft as cotton Candy. His hands start to roam all over my body, bring my closer to him.  He let out a low moan, that sounded like a growl. I start to kiss from his lips, to his jaw and down his neck. When I start to hear him start to groan and his grip on me tighten, I figured that I found his sweet spot.

"I missed you so much Landon....." I say in between kisses, "that it's dangerous for you to go unmarked when you are mine!" I say before my canines come out and I bite down on his neck. He let out a gasp at my sudden movement.

Now we are even.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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