Slumber party

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The nightclub was packed, just how Y/N needed. Lots of people to distract her from him. Within minutes of entering, Y/N sat at the bar with half a dozen shots of tequila lined up with a side of sliced lemons. 'Why didn't anyone tell me we were taking shots?' A guy came and made himself comfortable next to Y/N's stool and ordered another half a dozen shots of the same liquor before turning to Y/N. 'If I can take all these shots better than you, I take you home.' He looked at her in her tight fitting full single sleeved black dress while she rolled her eyes. 

'Double them if we're playing.' The guy gulped and looked at her slightly scared. 'Depending on how well you take the liquor I'll decide whether or not to take you home or not.' She smirked at him before lifting one of her glasses and downing it. Her unfazed look worried the guy who took the next shot trying his best to maintain a collected expression. They took their shots back and forth until the guy couldn't bare them. 'Such a shame.' Y/N said before taking all of the remaining shots and disappearing onto the dance floor.

She knew the alcohol would take a few minutes before hitting her and sighed just wanting the thoughts of him to leave her mind. As the liquor started to have an effect on Y/N's conscious she slowly exhaled. 'This is risky.' She thought to herself but found hands dangerously close to her ass sway her side to side with the music. Losing herself to the momentum of the music she ran her hands up the guy stood in front of her, pulling herself closer not realising her dress riding up her thighs. She let him pull their hips closer together and his hands slide up her body, following the curves of her hourglass figure.

Their noses brushed past each other and their hot breath hit each other's necks as her lips skimmed his. Y/N closed her eyes and felt the lyrics of the blaring music melt into each other. Her body moved by itself while her brain started to shut down but even in this state, he was still there in the back of her mind. She opened her eyes when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind and pull her away from the guy. 'Careful, your dress.' A warm voice said amongst the noise of the club. 

She followed the person to a secluded booth where she was sat down and covered with a jacket. 'Here.' She could barely lift her eyelids but recognised a glass being given to her and drank it quickly. When she felt the cool sensation of the water running down her throat she whined quietly. 'I need alcohol.' She slurred making the other person tut and walk around to her. 'You don't I saw you taking shots earlier you've had enough.' Y/N shook her head and pushed the glass away. 'I need alcohol. I need to forget and I can't do it any other way.' 

'Was the alcohol helping?' Y/N looked down and sighed. 'It wasn't working cause I didn't have enough.' She said stubbornly. 'The more alcohol you have, the more chance of something bad happening to you.' She closed her eyes and leaned back on the couch. 'You should talk about it and move on not push it into a corner and hope that you forget it. Distractions are the easy way out but not necessarily the right way out. You're putting yourself in these situations and not thinking about what could happen to you in advance.'

Her eyes flutter open to see a short haired girl and widened when she realised who it was. 'Long time no see.' The girl said while the latter bit her trembling lip. 'I hate you.' Y/N spat. 'Because of you... I went through hell. My life was shit because you just disappeared without a trace... and now you're back to play prince charming. Hate to break it to you Yuxin but that's not gonna happen. So why don't you disappear from my life again and leave me to do whatever the fuck I want to do.' Yuxin sighed and listened to her spew out her feelings. 'I'm not going anywhere this time.' Y/N looked at her in disbelief. 'So what that's it. Yuxin those years I spent with him while you were out living your best life for all I know mean nothing. I can't believe you.' 

'Do you not wanna know why I left? Why I left everything I worked for? Why I left you? Y/N I left everything. Do you think I had a choice? Do you think I wanted to leave? Do you think I wanted to leave us? Everything we had done together? I knew what it was gonna do to you and that's what made it worse. Because I felt responsible even though I didn't have a choice. This has been the first time I've been able to fly back into the country. This is the first time I've had a break from everything. I came to find you because even though I wanted you to be okay, I just wanted to check. Y/N you have every right to be pissed at me but I still love you. It's been 5 years and honestly it's been 5 years too long.'

'Damn right it's been 5 years too long.' Y/N said looking away pulling Yuxin's jacket up to her chest to keep her warm and inhaled Yuxin's calming scent from it, feeling slightly irritated that she could forgive her that easily. 'Wanna go home?' Yuxin asked when she saw Y/N yawn. 'Who's?' She replied quietly struggling to stay awake. 'Mine seeing as you don't live where you used to and are in no state to manage yourself.' She said pulling her towards her to keep her warm. 'Bold to assume I live alone.' She said trailing her fingers against Yuxin's collarbone, the haze of the alcohol still lingering. 'If you lived with someone, you would've either came with them or they wouldn't have let you come alone.' 

Y/N smiled while leaning against Yuxin. 'Can we go home now?' She said trying not to yawn again. 'Who's?' Yuxin teased. 'Yours.' Y/N rolled her eyes and went to stand up with Yuxin's help. They soon reached Yuxin's car and after a quick 15 minute journey, Y/N sat down on Yuxin's bed. 'I know you're tired and completely hammered but come wash up.' Y/N pouted and whined. 'I don't want to.' Yuxin shook her head and helped Y/N into the bathroom.

After a lot of complaining and Y/N losing her balance multiple times, Yuxin sat her down on the bed. 'Let me get you some clothes.' She said turning around to her wardrobe. 'Yuxinnn, it's cold.' She span around to see Y/N's dress on the floor and her sitting there in her undies. 'Wait I have an idea. Come here.' Yuxin raised an eyebrow while walking over. She was pulled down and taken by surprise when she found herself under Y/N who was straddling her. 'Can we have an all girl party, clothing optional?' She licked her lips before planting multiple kisses along Yuxin's neck and pulling her top off after unhooking her own bra then throwing it on the floor so it had joined her dress.

'Y-Y/N, w-wait a minute.' She pulled away and looked at her, biting her lip. 'Wait till you're sober.' She said making her pout. 'I am sober.' Yuxin smiled, 'Stop lying. I already messed up once, I don't wanna mess up again.' She rolled off the older girl and cuddled up close next to her. 'I missed you.' She said quietly. Yuxin quickly sat up and took her into her arms. 'I missed you too baby.' They both talked about things that happened over the five years they spent apart until Y/N had cleared her head slightly. 'You feeling better?' Y/N nodded. 'Then how about we have that all girl party, clothing optional?'

'Heck yeah hottie.'


Tad late but thank you for 15K on Nirvana. I love you guys so muchhhh.

1 year anniversary is coming up pls suggest songs so I can try and come up with a one shot for it. I have less than a week 😫


Liu Yuxin x Reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora