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You approach Yaga's office and enter.

"Yaga sensei, i'm back."

The male doesn't look up from the doll he's fiddling with "That's nice. Run into anyone on the way back?" You grumble under your breath "Speak up y/n, I can't hear when you mumble."

"I ran into Satoru, he's clingier than I remember."

Yaga let's out a little laugh "Only to you."

You let the topic turn from Satoru as to why your actually here, "Yaga, why call me back here? I was still exercising curses why call me instead of someone like Nanami?"

"Nanami has not done this certain task before, you have."

You arch an eyebrow "That task being what exactly?"

"Teaching here at the school of course."

"Yaga, i stopped teaching for a reason. You know that."

Yaga pauses, finally glancing up from the doll he was making "And that reason is what exactly?"

You look away an embarrassed blush coming to your face "I'm... not very good with kids..."

"I'm sorry y/n but you're staying. The decision is out of my hands."

You open your mouth to say something to Yaga before it sinks in. "..Out of your hands?"

Yaga sighs but nods none the less "Yes, the higher up believe you can fix Satoru's rebellious streak while at the same time helping the kids grow and learn about the ways of a jujutsu sorcerer, correctly."

You raise an eyebrow "The higher up's want me to manipulate not only Satoru into listening to what they say but the next generation of sorcerers as well?"

Yaga lets out another tired sigh "Thats what I got from the message I received. But y/n either way it goes you will be teaching here."

You wave that off "Yeah, fine."

"Ah, good. Now you'll be partnering with Satoru," you curse under your breath, of course you were "And you'll be meeting with him tomorrow to discuss the class schedule, one of the first years isn't here yet and the other one is getting sent out on a retrieval mission. So it'll just be the two of you." That elicited another round of grumbles out of you.

"Of course..."


You sit in a staff meeting room your legs are crossed, arms folded, and a glare resting on your face. You were annoyed, beyond annoyed really. You're pretty sure a better word for it would be down right pissed.

Why you may ask? well...

Your eyes narrow at the empty chair in front of you. Satoru's chair to be exact. You'd been waiting on this man for an hour and half and he was still not here.

You let out a huff as you stand up from the table, giving up on the chance that Satoru would be coming at all and exiting the room. You pop your knuckles as an irk mark appears on your face. You needed to let off some steam.

You'd always been good with cursed weapons and close quarters combat was something you didn't seem to be good in but you excelled at anyway. You can thank your mother for placing you in both karate and kung fu classes since you could walk. Along with you picking up some jujutsu and krav maga in later years. So for a certain second year seeing your absolutely fluid movements as you sparred with one of the dummies was breath taking.

"Who-" You pause leg raised in the perfect lateral for a kick at the dummies rib, if it was a human the force you were using may have been enough to bruise a rib or two. "Who are you?" The girl stutters out.

You put your leg down towards the girl and as you do the look in your eye stuns the girl. There was something so regal yet so sad about you.


You regard the girl in front of you with cold inference. This was Maki Zen'in. The girl who was not born able to see curses yet worked her ass off in order to enroll at Jujutsu tech and yet still her family holds her back.

"Would you like to spar?" You question.

The stunned look is quick to leave her face a small self satisfied smile comes over her face. "With or without weapons."

"Which ever you feel the most comfortable with," You answer back. "Although i suppose i should say no killing or seriously harming one another."

"You a new first year or something? But then again," The girl brandishes a staff from the rather large black bag she was carrying with her "You look a little too old for that." Your eyebrow twitches. I know i do not look that old. "A forth year I don't know about maybe? Nah, you look too old for that too." Okay, now she's just insulting me. She spins the staff around her body before pointing the blunted tip at you "So who are you exactly?"

"Oi, y/n! Where have you been? I've been looking for you for like five minutes! You're late to our meeting!" Gojo yells him stomping towards you and Maki. The girls face going blank as she hears the older male.

"Satoru, i waited in that room for an hour and a half for you. I'm sure you were fine waiting a few minutes." You stare blankly at the, somehow, most powerful jujutsu sorcerer. "However, i suppose I have to put up with you to make effective lesson plans for the students so come, let's begin." You grab Gojo's wrist and lead him towards the school building. Before you leave from sight you turn and wave at the wide eyed girl. I suppose i'll be seeing more of her around. I guess I just have to meet the other students now too.

Limitless nothing |Jjk x male reader | Gojo Satoru حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن