Chapter 32: The Crests and Duo

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He then sent KillerMan into the NET and began to boot up the computer.

"Ok, now, contact master and Maylu. They will be able to link us to the other Crest Holders and Dr. Hikari and Wily" Kirisaki ordered as KillerMan went to work.

The Navi then rushed to find ShadowMan and Roll while Kirisaki gathered everything he could from Dr. Riegal's computer.

"Maylu, we have a visitor" Roll said from her PET.

"As do you, Dusk" ShadowMan added to his Operator.

Both of them took out their PETs and gasped. They saw KillerMan before them as another screen appeared with Kirisaki!

"Kirisaki!" Maylu exclaimed as she sat up and looked at the screen in complete disbelief.

"Are you safe? What is happening?" Dusk asked with concern.

"I'm just fine" Kirisaki reassured, "Though, things were a bit tough for a moment. However, you have nothing to worry about now. The rest of Dr. Riegal's group have left. I imagine the Net Saviors and International Police will be searching for them now"

Dingo looked at Dusk's PET as he shouted, "Seriously?! You were on our side from the beginning?!"

Kirisaki ignored him and continued, "Thanks to them leaving, I am now able to hack into the computer and find everything I need to understand why Dr. Riegal wanted the Crests and what he wanted the Crest for"

He typed on the computer before sending information to Dusk. Dusk then handed his PET to Dr. Wily. Dr. Wily took the PET and read everything Kirisaki had sent over to them. Gumi kneeled by Maylu's side.

"Kirisaki, my team should be near you" Gumi informed him, "Please contact Sekka. She'll come and get you as soon as we are done here"

He nodded his head as he finished typing up everything in the computer.

"It is just like I suspected. My son discovered the Crests from my old file notes. He knew about Duo's program and how he could grant a human who has a pure heart powers this person requested. He wanted to gain knowledge and use it to completely destroy the Hikari family" Dr. Wily said with a shake of his head and returned the PET to Dusk, "Should've been there"

Everyone was silent for a moment until Ann stepped into the room.

"I am sorry if I am interrupting, but my husband and his friends needed some food and water. Also, there are two people standing outside the restaurant" Ann said calmly as she stepped aside.

Tamako returned by pushing a wheelchair where a young, sickly boy sat in. He had messy brown hair and dull brown eyes. He wore a yellow and orange shirt and pants. On his lap is a yellow and orange PET with Serenade's crest on it. Serenade then appeared in Lan's PET as she smiled.

"Serenade?!" Lan and Hub shouted in shock.

"She's my Navi" the young boy said with a grin, "I am Marmoru, Serenade's Operator"

The group was very surprised to know that Serenade's Operator is a young boy, but then a familiar laugh echoed the room.

"Haha! It is good to see you again, Net Saviors. I hope you didn't forget about me" Dr. Cossak greeted warmly as he held his PET with Bass inside it.

"DR. COSSAK?!" Lan, Chaud, and Maylu exclaimed as they rushed towards him as Hub jumped into his PET to greet Bass with ProtoMan and Roll.

Dr. Cossak grinned as he greeted the children and other Crest Holders, "Greetings everyone! I am Dr. Cossak! I am the Operator and Creator of the first Navi, Bass. I worked with both Dr. Tadashi Hikari and Dr. Wily. It is a pleasure to meet all of you!"

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