Chapter 5

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Trigger warning: rape (will * before and after)

-Two Weeks Later-

I loved Sundays, the cook gave me a little less work to do so I could sneak into the forest and visit my mother.

I knelt at the foot of the weeping willow tree and began telling her what happened in the past week.

"The master was gone for the first part of the week, visiting his father, so the manor was quiet, and it gave us all a bit of a break. When he got back, he was really angry and each of us got yelled at more than once. Other than that life has been the same, I miss you still, but I am trying to keep my head up, just like you told me. I need to go now mother, but I will see you next week." I smiled slightly as I lay my flower at the foot of the tree and stood.

I walked back to the manor, letting out a little of my power to dull the pressure building beneath my skin. Once I was back at the manor, I spooled it all back into myself and began making the bread for the day.

"Hey Jaz, how is your mother?" Amelia chirped at me as she walked in and began washing the dishes.

"Mother is good, the leaves are falling a little but other than that she is healthy, how was your morning?" I asked her with a smile.

"It was ok, master didn't yell at me, so I am taking that as a win." She said with a grin over her shoulder.

"Is your sister still doing, ok?" I asked.

"Oh yes, the healer says the baby is due any day now, she is very excited." Amelia was practically beaming.

"Has she found out the babies gender?" I asked as I cut the dough up into rolls.

"No, she wants it to be a surprise, my mother is growing more impatient by the day," she said with a chuckle.

I put the rolls in the oven and brushed the excess flour off my skirt. I went to Amelia's side and began to help her with the dishes, there was more than usual because the master had guests over.

We worked in silence until the cook burst in.

"Jasmine, the master requires your presence at once," she said, fear on her face.

I glanced at Amelia. The last time this happened we never saw the girl again. I pulled her against me and held on tight.

"Please look after my mother for me," I whispered to her and she dipped her chin.

I dried my hands off before walking out of the kitchen and up to the master's office.

I lifted my fist and knocked on the door softly.

"Enter," he called out and I opened the door.

I closed the door behind me before bobbing a curtsy and keeping my eyes lowered.

"Come and sit," he said without looking up from what he was writing.

I did as he asked, knotting my hands in my lap. He made me sit there, curling my power further and further into myself, for what felt like hours before he put his pen down and looked up.

"Are you a spy?" He asked, voice hard.

"No master I am not," I replied, why would he think that?

"Then why is a child of Night a part of my staff?" He asked, anger lacing his words.

"I was born here, raised here, I am not a child of Night master," I said, willing my voice to remain steady, he knew that I had never left this manor.

"Then why did Rhysand ask you to his rooms and why do you have his power?" he smoothly replied.

How did he know about the power? No one knew about that. I had no idea what to do, I had no explanation that would convince him of my innocence.

"One of my ancestors on my mother's side was from Night," I told him, that was the truth.

"You are a two-faced liar, I know you are a spy, it is no good protesting your innocence. Would you like to know what I do to spies?" He asked with a cruel smile.

I didn't say another word as he stood, walking to his door, and sliding the lock across. I didn't know what to do, there was no escaping him.


He walked back over as he unbuckled his pants, letting them fall down and the length of him sprang free. This couldn't be happening. I tried to push him away from me, but he just laughed and pushed me to the floor, ripping my skirt.

In one swift motion he spread my legs and plunged in, covering my scream with his hand. I was too young for this. He was so rough and hard, every small movement from him sent sparks of pain through my body but he seemed to be finding this pleasurable.

As he moved in me, he slapped my torso, my arms, hard enough that I knew he was leaving bruises. He spilled into me with a roar before hitting me over the head, knocking me out.


When my eyes flickered open again I was staring at the sky. My whole body hurt, and I couldn't move without being in agony.

A chill breeze ran over my body and I felt the goose bumps cross my now bare skin. As I watched the sky I wondered if death would be kind to me, if it would let me be with my mother once more, safe.

A wave of soft darkness washed over me, and I sighed, closing my eyes, and letting my mind slip away.

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