Chapter 4

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Once I had decorated the cake using some white icing and milk chocolate flowers I went with Amelia to her rooms.

She knocked on the door.

"Enter," the lady called.

"Sorry to interrupt Miss, I made you a cake," I said, blushing a little.

She smiled at me.

"Thank you Jasmine, this is very kind of you." She took the cake and put it on her vanity.

"Did the other High Lords like the cake?" I asked her.

"I think Helion and Thesean both want to steal you they liked it so much." She said with another smile.

Everyone mistakes the Lady of Autumn as cold and quiet but once you get to know her, and when she is alone, she is so lovely.

"Miss, there is something I would like to tell you, I think it is about time you knew," I told her, she should know that she is my grandmother.

"Come and sit both of you, we can all eat a little of your cake." She said and Amelia carefully cut it.

Once we had eaten, I took a breath and began to tell her.

"As you know my mother grew up in your son's household, what you don't know is that since she came of age, he forced her at least once a week. Thirteen years ago she fell pregnant with his child, he tried to kill the child, but she protected her baby however she could, ten months later I was born." I couldn't stop the tears that rolled down my face.

The lady stood and crouched in front of me.

"I know Jasmine, your mother confided in me when she first learned she was pregnant, I was the reason Therian didn't end your life." She said, taking my hands.

"I'm so glad you knew, I felt so bad every time I came, you always looked so lonely, and I knew that if I told you that you had a granddaughter you might be a little happier, but my mother always warned me that if the High Lord ever found out he would either kill me or throw me out of the court." She squeezed my hand and I stopped rambling.

"It is ok Jasmine, why did you think I always cheered up when you or your mother were here?" She asked with a smile.

"I thought you liked the cakes," I mumbled.

"Oh I do love your cakes, but I love seeing you more." She said then looked up.

"You need to go, someone is coming," she said quickly, and we stood.

I waved goodbye to her then we left the room, eyes down. We didn't dare breathe too loudly until we were back in our room.

"I'm so happy that she knew, and that she likes it," I said, beaming.

"I know, she is so lovely," Amelia replied.

"Come on, let's go to bed," I said with a yawn.

We both curled up under the covers and went to sleep, ready to get up early and go home. 

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