It's Him Again

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"How were your exams?" asked Kai, handing me a cup of tea. Misaki and I looked at each other and sighed.

"I'm pretty sure I did science okay, but Math was a disaster," I said, shivering slightly at the thought of that demon of a question paper.

"I can cast a spell to make sure you pass," said Shun, drawing a circle in the air.

"Would you?" I asked.

"Shun," said Hajime, giving him his characteristic irritated smile. "Don't tease the kids."

"Hajime, I'm the same age as you," I said, glancing at him.

He shot me a look and I looked away immediately.

Turns out I did pass my exams. I vaguely wondered whether Shun actually had something to do with it, and whether I should sacrifice some chicken to him or something.


I read through the script for the Cinderella play as soon as I got it and burst out laughing. This should be very fun. Haru noticed me laughing and joined me in reading through it, as we joked about the script.


12 episodes of "When All Ends," were recorded and shot in 3 months, which meant the only thing left would be to air it.

Our last episode was shot in the rain, and poor Misaki caught a fever after that.

"You doing better?"

"I'm amazing," she murmured half-asleep.

Kai who was leaning against the wall shot me an amused look. "I'll take care of her, so you should go. Good thing your drama is over." He looked thoughtful. "When is the first episode airing?"

"Next week."

"I look forward to watching it."

"Thanks, Kai."

Someone knocked on my door that week.

"Come in!" I said, my voice muffled by the pen in my mouth. I pulled it out as Haru walked in.

"Studying?" he asked.

"Yep!" I said, leaving my book on the table and getting up. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah, could you come to the living room?" he said, walking out as I followed a few seconds later. I ran after Haru.

"But why...?" I trailed off seeing everyone in front of the TV. Misaki had a pillow in front of her face and Yoru was blushing. You looked very proud of himself, while almost everyone looked amused.

I looked at the television, where Yoru and I were on screen. I turned to head back to my room, but Haru pulled me to the couch.

"Hey, wait!" I said as I tumbled onto the couch and Haru sat beside me.

"You two did quite well. So take a little pride in your work," said Hajime, nodding to the television.

"It's not an issue of pride, Hajime," I said, staring as a dreaded scene showed up.

"I now see why Yoru had so much trouble here," said Kai, amused, as Yoru started his dialogue.

"Why, I would burn down the world for you if you needed me to," I said, staring into Yoru's eyes.

"And I'll make sure it never comes to that."

"Honestly, I'm surprised Yoru even made it through that," said You, as Yoru and I looked at each, our faces flushed. I suddenly smiled and we both burst out laughing. Shun smiled with apparent amusement.

Haru ruffled my hair as I buried my face in my hands.

They didn't let the four of us go until the episode was over. You enjoyed every moment of it, but the same couldn't be said for Yoru and I.

"Our concert is tomorrow," said Haru, looking at me.

"I have tickets!" I said proudly. "Misaki and I are both coming to watch."

"I'll search for you in the crowd."

"Good, I'll hold up a purple and green light," I said, as Hajime looked at me in surprise and then turned away.


"And to my little sister in the crowd, hello!" said Haru, spotting me in the crowd as I raised my lights. Misaki and I both laughed together, as Gravi performed their last song.


"Feels like it's been a while since we came to school," I said, hopping down the street with Hajime, Haru and Misaki.

"It's been a while since we got to go together," said Hajime.

I stumbled on a rock on the street as Haru steadied me. "Watch where you're going, Reika."

"Thanks, oniichan."

We headed back to our classroom, as Misaki and I were bombarded with people telling us they saw our drama. Haru and Hajime were always flocked by people, but this was new for me and Misaki.

The bell rang, and students headed back to their classes, as the teacher walked in.

"We have a transfer student," she said, gesturing to the door.

I looked up, slightly curious, and my blood ran cold in my veins.

He walked in and stood in front of the class, an easy-going smile on his face. He caught my eyes, and his smile turned into something dark and cruel. I had to remind myself to breathe.

"My name is Natsuko Takumi," he said, as his name confirmed my worst fears. But he looked so different from the last time I saw him. Then again, I probably seemed different as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you all—" his eyes met mine again, "—some of you again."

I gave him a hardened look, and turned away. Haru watched me worriedly, his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Reika, are you alright? You look pale." I looked into Misaki's worried face.

"I'm alright," I said, shaking my head and stopping my hands from trembling.

I waited until the bell for break rang.

"Are you alright?" Haru asked, during our break.

I glanced at Natsuko, who was surrounded by students. He caught my eye and smiled, as I shivered and turned away.

"I'm alright, Haru."

I had wondered when my past would catch up with me. I didn't expect it would be four years later.


"Another drama," I said, looking through the script. This time I was playing a side character. I looked throught the cast list with amusement as my eyes fell on Haru's name.

Haru walked in, yawning, and I glanced at him.

"You didn't tell me you were casted for 'Little Lies, Broken Love,' oniichan" I said, giving him my best look of betrayal.

"I was?" asked Haru as his phone buzzed. He pulled it out and read whatever message was on it. "Oh. I was."

"So I got the information earlier than you, Sir Villain."

"They probably had some trouble getting a hold of him," said Hajime, walking in. "He's been busy lately."

"So have you," I said, giving him and the chocolate bar in his hand a glance.

He noticed me staring and broke off a piece, handing it to me.



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