~ Chapter Six ~

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Inner thoughts are in Italics

Y/n's Point of View

We made it all the way to the other girls without to much trouble. Well except for Kuon trying to shove me away from Sniper, but she never really prevailed.

"Hey I'm Kuon!"

"Hi, I'm Yuri Honjo, and this is my friend Mayuko Nise. Nice to meet you. Whos the other girl?"

"She's honestly irrelevant - "

"I'm not irrelevant, she just doesn't like me very much. Anyway,. I'm Y/n, nice to meet you. I assume that you guys aren't incompetent like this one since you seem to last this long?"

"I don't know if that was supposed to be an insult but i'll take it as a complement."

"Nope wasn't meant to be an insult, far from it. I'm just happy that there are other people who have survived this long."

"Ah I see, well what brings you guys here?"

Sniper seemed to just be standing behind me damn forgot how tall this dude is being quiet like some sort of child hiding behind his mom. (What an adorable tall boy - A)

"Y/n and I came to bring Kuon to you guys so that we could look around the area quicker" Sniper chimed in.

"Why couldn't you have just brought her with you guys?"

"Well if you didn't know this girl; for one doesn't like me, two is always annoying Sniper, three getting in our way, and four slowing our searches down." I say

"Your just jealous because you can't seem to catch Mr. Mask" Kuon says

"Um, I'm pretty sure that's my line Kuon, but what ever. So will you take her? Even only for a couple days?"

"Sure, we will be around this area a lot of the time so come back here whenever your done with your searching, and if you seem to find anything useful do bring it back. Ok?"

"Yep! Alright Sniper lets go"

After we crossed a couple bridges he hasn't said anything other than just hold my hand.

"So you gone mute or something?"

"No, I just don't know what to say honestly"

"Ah whatever. So, where to now? I seems to be about mid day right now so about 8-10 hours left of the day? What would you like to do? I mean we can go searching for new things, go back to your place, or even just walk around..."

"How about lets get the lunch delivery first then head back to my place. We will leave the searching for new things tomorrow"

"Ok then sounds good to me"

We sit in the hallway of the building that we were once standing on not to long ago. We wait a couple minutes then a mask arrives to drop off our food. We eat our food and talk about some of our real word experiences.

"Wait so your name is Yuuka Makoto?

"As far as I can remember, ya. I don't remember much, but ever since Yuri cracked my mask I seemed to have gotten some of my old memories back."

"That's interesting, I'll keep that in mind. But anyway, ready to head back to your place? Or do you want to hang out for a bi- look out!!"

I shove Yuuka's face down to dodge the bullet that was aiming for his head. It barely grazed my shoulder so it wouldn't take to long to heal. I use snipers gun and shoot the guy that aimed at Yuuka.

"Hey are you alright?"

I check to see how he is and see that he is laying on my thighs.

"Umm Yuuka?"

"No, why didn't you tell me that your legs were this comfortable?"

"Maybe because you didn't ask, but we have to get going now"




"I'll make you sleep on the couch~"


Thank you guys so much for all the reads and thank you for waiting! i'm so sorry i didn't get that chapter up like i said i would. i'll try to keep updating more this week possible 2-4 more chapters. Thank you again so much!!!❤️

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