~ Chapter One ~

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italics is inner thoughts

y/n's point of view

"Hey girl!"
I hear someone call from behind me - sounds like a middle aged man, about 5'11, and 160 pounds by his foot steps...I can take him~

I stop and turn around to see him stop running from behind and stand against a wall trying to look tuff and not out of breath.

"Tch, you need something? I got places to be."

"Ah playing hard to get I see? Oh I like them feisty."

"Shouldn't have said that~" I say as I run up to him with quick speed and knock him out with one hit.

"Man he was weaker than I thought - no fun..."

I continue walking home to my small ass apartment that costs to much for what it looks like. Once I get there I grab a snack and start munching away before getting in the shower to wash off all the grossness of the day.

After taking a long needed shower, I get myself ready for bed seeing as it was already 1 o'clock in the morning.
Ugh I have work tomorrow...oh well.

I get into some comfortable clothes and drift off into what was going to be the most restless night of sleep in the history of my small brain.

Am I in a dream? I think to myself as I look around at rooftop to rooftop. This must be a joke right?

I am brought out of my confusion once I hear something. Gun shots...Not more than 100 feet away. Someone's close-

I take a look from the top of the building down to the ground and see multiple bodies, with blood surrounding them. What the-

A door opens from behind me and I look back to see a masked person standing there. They have a spear drenched with what looks like days old blood mixed with fresh blood. This person looks anything but sane.

"Ai yo. You know where we are?"

They just stare at me, inching forward.

"Come on now I know you can speak-"

They run at me hold their spear above there head, aiming it at me.

"Aright then I guess we are going to do this the hard way."

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