"Mmm Aug what are you doing?'-Aaliyah

"Loving on you and kissing our baby"-August

"Well you better stop because I'm already tired enough"-Aaliyah

"I know I'm just loving this moment, I promise that I won't do nothing else to your body. Besides that your body has to adjust for our child. All I want to do is cherish you"-August

"You do enough for me Aug that's why I had a whole day planned for you yesterday but I feel so sick I won't be able to do it now. You gotta  get catered to sometimes too. We're in a relationship now, I have to show you as much love as you show me. Besides that we made a child together that's the best blessing ever to me and I appreciate all that you do for me. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't know what love is, I'm glad that we can experience this together. I love you Aug and I don't care what nobody say about us, we were meant for each other. I know that you were protecting me back then but I'm glad that we're here now"-She said crying and started smiling

"Aaliyah you do more than enough for me, you show me so much love that I be high without Mary Jane, having you here by my side is all that I need. Yes it's a beautiful blessing that I won't ever forget, you made me a father and even though I'm still shocked, I'm happy that I can raise a child with the love of my life. I always gotta make you happy because I'm making up for everything that I lose, I love you too and fuck what anybody say about us we good. Yeah we here and that's what matters right now. Including this baby inside of you."-I said kissing her stomach again

"God you're amazing"-Aaliyah

"Yeah so are you but your phone been ringing off the hook, did you even make it to chill with Trey?"-I said handing her phone to her

"I don't see why, no actually I reversed to the pharmacy so yeah you know the story"-Aaliyah

"You goofy"-I said shaking my head

"You made me like this but what you doing today?"-Aaliyah

"We gotta make an appointment for you or see if you can get seen right away"-August

"I don't want to get up I feel so drained like my body giving up on me"-She whinned

"Sweets your body adjusting to our baby, its all good I got you. Come on get up beautiful, I know that, we both know you want to know what's going on with our baby"-August

"Now you're goofy but okay, I do, I do. Just give me 5 more minutes please Auggie?"-She said giving me those puppy dog eyes

"Nope you not going get me this time, besides only Yungin' can give me those puppy dog eyes"-I said laughing

"Bye Yungin' ain't as cute as me"-She said fake hurt

"You need help getting dressed too or you got that on your own?"-August

"I think I got it smart guy"-She said putting her finger up and going into the closet

"Keep being smart you going remember how we made that baby"-August

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"-Aaliyah

I admit that I'm excited to be a father, let alone with Aaliyah, so I'm going do everything that I can for her and our baby. Who would've ever thought that I would be a father at 28, settling down at this age. I mean I would do this over and over again with Aaliyah, relive the moment I met her, relive the moment I told her to leave, give her the ring that's around her neck, married her right then and there, had a few kids while living out there in Paris. As a kid we always had plans, whether it was saving money up to leave Atlanta or traveling the world together. One plan that we had the most was getting a place out in Paris away from everybody, any time we lay low that's where we will go away from fans, paps, people that's trying to break us down and the bull shit. The fact that Trav got us that place out in Paris speeded that process up, when she gets 5 months we going move to Paris and have peace. 

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