chapter three

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elaine awoke to someone violently shaking her shoulders. her eyes shot open, looking straight into bucky's blue ones that were glowing in the early morning sun. "what the fuck?" she groaned, morning voice raspy as she looked around the room.

sam sat with his head in his hands, staring out the small window while bucky backed away, stopping his attack on her shoulders. "we're leaving." bucky said, nodding to the door. elaine stood from the bed, still fully clothed from last night and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"i'm guessing that means i don't get to shower." she sighed, cracking her neck and watching sam stand. "we don't have much time, hurry up." sam said, opening the door and waiting for them outside.

bucky looked her up and down, before a small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. "what?" elaine snapped at him, not appreciating the look.

"not much of a morning person, are you?" he asked, eyes running over her hair. she glared at him, pulling her fingers through the tangled mess of her hair. "fuck off."

elaine stumbled out the door with bucky close behind her, continuing to smooth her hair down as she took in the surrounding land of the motel. they were in a suburban area, the fog had lifted, leaving the sun to beam brightly over the rooftops of the small colorful houses lining the narrow roadway.

there weren't many people on the streets this early in the morning, save for a few joggers who kept their heads down as they passed by the group.

they walked along the sidewalk, eventually arriving at an abandoned-looking warehouse. sam stopped short, taking redwing out and flying him around the corner. "no one." he said, looking over his shoulder at bucky and elaine.

"let's go." elaine said, shoving past him into the warehouse. "not so loud, elaine!" sam shout-whispered as her boot kicked a piece of plastic on the dirty concrete floor. she quieted her steps and ducked behind a tall metal shelving unit, sending him an apologetic look. sam and bucky ducked behind her, and they waited.

soon enough a large, white truck pulled up to the front of the building as a few people jumped out. "i'm getting eight heat signatures. there's someone in the back of the truck. a hostage maybe." sam whispered, signalling redwing back and shoving him in his suit.

bucky went to walk off, but sam grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back, earning a deadly glare from bucky. "not so fast." sam said sharply, but bucky had shrugged his hand off easily. "shit." elaine cursed, awkwardly shuffle running to bucky's side as the tall man strutted over to where the trucks were parked.

she grabbed onto his metal arm, watching his eyes flicker towards her. she didn't stop him, and instead sent him a small nod showing she was on his side. an emotion flickered in his eyes before it was gone, and he was walking once more. she turned around to see sam dramatically rolling his eyes as his lips moved, but she couldn't hear what he was saying.

she turned back to the trucks and watched as the engines hummed to life and the doors slammed shut, from her position with bucky behind a large moving crate. soon enough the trucks were off, one lined after the other as they sped through the narrow german roadways.

bucky looked at elaine, and she nodded before taking off. bucky followed right next to her as they ran towards the trucks, super soldier serum fueling their bodies as they ran at inhuman speeds.

elaine could hear the noise of sam's wings next to her as she looked into his irritated eyes. "if you guys mess this up, i'm gonna be real pissed!" he shouted loudly, straining to shout over the beat of his wings and hum of the engines. elaine simply ran faster, nearing the first truck and hopping onto the back.

broken love // b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now