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I was sick in my bed, I barely had enough energy to move and was throwing up constantly

Mikasa, Eren and Armin were by my side.

"One of us should stay behind to look after her," Mikasa says

"I'll do it," Eren says crossing his arms.

"Oh hell no! You're just gonna poison me with your food!" Y/n shouts pointing to him.

"Oi! My cookings not that bad!" He shouts.

"Y/n needs to rest and not be disturbed too much. She'll need private and quiet," Mikasa says.

"I can be quiet when I want to!!" Eren shouts standing and facing Mikasa.

"I'll stay, plus eren if you miss work again who knows what will happen," Armin says.

"You guys don't have to anyway i'll be fine, it's just a tummy bug," I say and start coughing, they look over to me and I sigh.

"Alright, Armin takes care of her alright," Mikasa says as she drags eren with her back to work.

"Alright, i'll get you some french toast it should stay down if you eat it slowly," Armin says and leaves my room, I sigh and grab my phone. I open it up to see Levi sent me a text.

Levi: morning brat.

Y/n sighs, she was happy that he said good morning but he was still calling her brat.

Y/n: morning

Levi: have you eaten yet?

Y/n: no Armins making me something now

Levi: why's bob head making you breakfast he's meant to be at work.

Y/n: bob head?! XD lol, i'm stuck in bed sick so he's looking after me.

*, read*

Levi quickly stormed out of his office, with a pissed off look. He wasn't happy about Y/n being sick let alone Armin who was meant to be at work with Hange.

"Mr Ackremen where are you going?" Petra asks, standing up to ask her boss.

"Petra cancelled everything I had on today," He quickly says and leaves to the elevator, he makes his way to where Mikasa and eren would be.

"Alright, titan brat where is your friend?" He asks Eren walking up to him and Mikasa

"I- um. Don't know" Eren says lying straight to his face, Levi was about to kill that boy in seconds.

"Would you like to try Titan boy again?" he asks him again, this time about to kill his glare.

"He's at Y/ns place and she was feeling very sick!" he quickly shouts.

"He's meant to be helping hange with a test today, where is he?" he asks.

"I don't know her address," He says Levi turns to Mikasa

"Do you know scarf girl?" he asks, and Mikasa tells him your address. He leaves the company and goes to find you.

There was a sudden knock at your door, you were hiding under your blankets and Deku stuffed Tuxedo mask and Deku plush. I hadn't eaten the food Armin had made me and I felt like shit I just wanted to hide under a rock and die.

"Oi Brat it's me!" a familiar voice says, you groan knowing it was Levi.

' why did Armin let him in?!' you think ignoring him.

"I'm coming in!" he says I hide even more under my blanket now as he enters my room, it was quite a mess and I was meant to clean up the house today but got sick.

"Oi Brat Answer me!" He says, he shakes me and I hide even more. He makes a 'Tch' noise, I felt safe for a minute. But then he yanks my blanket off me.

"HEY!" I shout at the sudden coldness.

"YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE AND JUST-" he suddenly puts his hand on my forehead, My face heats quickly at the sudden touch.

"You're burning up, You have a fever." he says and makes another 'tch' noise.

"Can I have fun?" I ask him reaching for it, he quickly snatches it from me again.

"Please it's broken, plus you need some sunlight," he says moving to the window and opening it up, the sunlight hits me and I hiss at it.

"Don't be such a baby, your room is filthy," he says looking around it.

"I was gonna clean it today but I got sick," I say defending myself, he makes a 'tch noise again and looks to see my uneaten toast. He looks at me with a glare, and I quickly look away.

"Why aren't you eating?" he asks me, I turn my head and cross my arms.

"I'm not hungry plus it's just gonna come back up," I say and pouting in the corner of my bed.

"Whatever brat, I'm making you spout, and you're gonna eat it," he says leaving and slamming the door.

"Why is she so annoying like that?" Levi asks himself.

"That's Y/n for you, she hates being sick," Armin says.

"Aren't you meant to be at work?" he asks him.

"Yeah I'm just about to leave but before I go, Y/n has a textual tissue with her tongue so since she was a baby it was hard when it came to solid foods. She would throw up against her will when she ate something she didn't like. Hell even just a little touch of the tongue she'll be a gagging mess. So when it comes to spices when cooking her things be careful with the strong ones." Armin says about leaving Levi too in the information and uses it carefully.

He went to the kitchen and thank god Armin cleaned it before he got to making Y/n a soup, as he was chopping up the engreedant he felt something soft go in between his legs. He looks down to see Leo, your cat. He kneels to the cat, it meows as he goes to pet the creature. He seemed to take a liking to Levi, which Levi was secretly happy about.

He goes to wash his hands and get back to cooking.

That's it whats Levi gonna cook up? Is he gonna be a good father what do you think?

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