1 summer break

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Today is the day 9th grade is over. Finally.

Hi. I'm Taylor honn and I am in 10th grade. Well not yet but you get the point

The bell is about to ring. Mrs.Devil as everyone calls our principal, is giving everyone her speech about how much she hates us and wished for this day to come since the school year started. Yeah, my school is far from normal.

The bell rings and I rush out of school like it's infested with rats, which it probably is.

I get to my blue convertible Jeep, which is wedged between two other Jeeps.

On the left side is Tava's Jeep. It's jet black and also a convertible. Let me tell you about Mrs. Tava Rae. Oh she is a total badass and girl who looks like she doesn't give a fuck about anything, but let me tell you she does. Now Tava is a badass, but she also cares a lot about bands, tumblr, food, and people. Some people. She has blue hair and an eyebrow piercing and I'm pretty sure she has a tattoo on her shoulder but she denies it evrytime someone asks.

On the right side of me is Kaylee. My other best friend. Her Jeep is white that matches her chic but total tumblr look and personality. (( if u don't know what tumblr is, your lost)) She is the crazy one that adds the, well crazy and adventure to our little trio. She has brown hair and no piercings that I know of.

Tava and Kaylee come out of the school building a few moments later. Plastered to their faces are smiles. Its obvious that they are thinking the same thing I am. Summer time!!!

They hop into their cars and we each give each other smiles. Me and Kaylee squeal with excitement as Tava silently tries to hide her laughter. She's to punk rock to 'squeal' with us.

We get on the road and drive to Starbucks. We order are usual and drive back to my place.

"Mother!! I'm home!!" I scream as me, Kaylee, and Tava go upstairs. I live in a four story house with a pool in the back.

We get to my room and sit in various places around the room. We grab our makeup, hair dye, music and all get to work.

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