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S2 E8 "Identity Crisis"

The Second Pass

This may get confusing.

After having spent some time separated, Phantom decides the two should fuse back together because "something must've gone wrong when he duplicated himself with the ghost catcher."

Sam then corrects him explaining that he split himself in two and that neither of them have been acting normal since the initial pass.

They decide another pass through the catcher would settle the problem, but now we're left with two halfas and it appears neither are either Phantom nor Fenton.

These two are considered therianthropic halfas in my AU and headcanons.

These two are considered therianthropic halfas in my AU and headcanons

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the lore

Both have round about identical personalities to Phantom and Fenton, however I've concluded that they aren't the same individuals because, as I mentioned before, they're therianthropic halfas. Fenton's a human; Phantom's a ghost.

That's not to mention that at one point they're trying to decide which of them "gets to be Danny" [while the other hides from the other Fentons] saying things along the lines of "you already got to be Danny and did a pretty poor job of of it, it's my turn-" they're both pretending to be Fenton, much like how alters mask as the host.

Yes, I'm saying there's more alters:
1 human, 1 ghost, 2 halfas

[reasoning for their being "therianthropic halfas" is in the "Terms" chapter]


why fragments?

Fragments are alters who no doubt have very important roles in their systems, however aren't as developed as other alters. Fragments, in most cases, may either have a limited role and wide variety of emotions, or larger role with very focused emotions.

Phantom and Fenton had reasons as to why their emotions were so focused, as explained before, but the halfas just developed with those limited ranges of emotions as a result of Phantom and Fenton's stress in the episode- not to mention they both have limited powers.


I've dubbed them Double-D and Emerald- as in "Danny Fenton's double" or "double Danny" and in reference to how Emerald's eyes stay green no matter how he's presenting. This gives a little more insight on their specific roles in the system as well.

Double-D fronts to mellow the body's stress levels since he essentially can only feel relaxed.

Unlike Double-D, Emerald's eyes stay green no matter how he's presenting- a mini theory on that: he's a fight or flight trauma holder who suffers from extreme paranoia and anxiety. His power stays activated at all times in case something should happen, hence the glowing eyes.

In both pictures, Double-D is on the left and Emerald is on the right.

*^^^ More on these two to come ^^^*

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