Chapter Twelve

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baseball season started and now all my freckles are coming back because i'm actually in the sun lmao

"sap are you okay? i did i say something?"

sapnap was bawling. of course he felt bad though, it wasn't like dream knew.

he couldn't talk, he could barely breathe for god sakes, so he clicked another button.

the tears were making his vision go blurry, as well as the dizziness spinning around him.

he heard the quick noise of the facetime ringtone when dream picked up again.

"oh sap..."

he was speechless himself.

all he knew was that will cheated on sapnap and as far as that went dream wanted to beat his ass.

he couldn't help but feel that it was his fault. if he wasn't such an asshole maybe sap and will would've never even dated. hell, they probably wouldn't of met.

he knew he the reasons why he did it but this isn't about him.


he figured it out himself, maybe the accidental slip of a nickname had set him off even more, so he filtered his words.

"hey bud?"

he caught himself, figuring this was friendly and that while nick was having a cryfest he might not want to be called his online name.

"nick? can you talk to me"

on the other side of the call, all he saw was a violent shake of his head.

"hey. come on nick how about we take some deep breaths here."

nick tried. he really did. but he couldn't stop. so he kept on crying.

dream eventually heard his breathing relax a little, which didn't mean his crying stopped.

"hey do you remember? back when we were like 14 we had that stupid ass minecraft server? me, you, and callahan used to make so many roleplays! and alyssa would always side with you because whenever she came on i would kill her pets?"

dream went on with his stories. they were mainly for nick to focus on something else but it was also giving dream a throwback in time.

after about ten minutes of dreams, awful, storytelling he heard only small sniffles and drying tears on nicks face.

"do you think you could tell me what happened? you don't have to of course?"

nick took a deep breath.

"yeah yeah i can. um we uh got in a fight over the whole george bit thing and-"

"oh my god you got in a fight over me? i'm so sorry nick i didn't-"

nick smiled a bit.

"no no it wasn't your fault. but ever since then we've been kind of rocky. i guess he got bored without having someone always talking to him so he uh found another person. and then he texted me saying he was so sorry and that she came onto him, but i'm fairly certain that's not true."

"what a dick. i mean i know i don't have a lot of room to talk but i'm just sorry. for me, for will, hell for fucking george too. i just- i feel like you go through so much shit and no one stays around enough to listen to it all."

"i mean look who i'm going back to though" nick mumbled it under his breath, intending for it to be silent but dream heard it.

he didn't comment on it, just kept it to himself.

he let nick rant. soon after most upsetting things he always seemed to let his anger out.

and dream was always fine with it.

"hey nick?"

"yeah" his voice was scratchy from all the yelling and crying.

"i think you might want to get to bed, you have a flight in a couple hours."

"oh shit i forgot about that"

they both chuckled silently.

sapnap got back into bed. but he didn't end the facetime.

and neither did dream. so that's how it stayed.

when sapnaps alarm rang at 6 in the morning, the call was still going. he hung up so he could get ready.

he had to be there in an hour so he grabbed his suitcase and walked downstairs.

he hugged his parents and walked out the door.

the airport was crowded but thankfully he didn't have to wait too long.

the flight there was smooth. he, surprisingly, slept for most of it, probably from all the crying.

and here he was.


and there, was punz's car a little ways away from the entrance of lax.

sapnap had a feeling he was going to be telling him a long ass story on the way to the house.

and so he did

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