Chapter 4

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Y/ns pov:

"Who are you?" the words hit my brain like a snap and I fly up from the chair only to feel soft hands grabbing my wrists.
"I do not want to hurt you, Y/n, but I know you're different, Wanda doesn't reach you" Agnes helps me sit down again and doesn't let go of me, not until she's sure I won't run off which - I must admit - is rather tempting until a thought hits me.

"But if Wanda doesn't reach me, then why doesn't she reach you?" I feel smart for the few seconds I think I'm avoiding her question only to get a small, you-should-probably-have-figured-it-out-by-now nod.

"You're a witch too?" I whisper and receive another nod from the woman in front of me.
"Why didn't I know? Why didn't I feel you?" I ask, I'm getting betrayed by my own powers! I feel tears stinging in my eyes and I try to blink them away, but apparently I can be 435 and all of my research and training has been in vain.

"Y/n, I'm not- I'm not new" Agnes says as if it would all make sense then.
"But neither am I! I'm supposed to be powerful! I suck and I don't know anything" I raise myself from the chair, but Agnes grabs my hand.

"Dammit, Y/n, I've been blocking everyone out of my head even if you wanted to read my mind and feel my powers my, almost, 400 years on this planet prevented that" Agnes practically snaps, causing me to snap back while trying to keep my tears at bay.
"I've been here for over 400 years and I suck, truly suck at witching! I can't cast a simple spell without fearing for the consequences and it has taken life" something clicks inside of me and I let the tears run.

Agnes is clearly taken aback as she covers her mouth with her hand while whispering my name softly.
"Y/n" she reapts it again and again as if she was making a song only using my name.
"Yes" I say through the tears rather irritated by her behavior.

Agnes raises her hand and a purple ball of energy plays around between her fingers and I take a quick step back.
"Just- trust me?" the witch in front of me says and I stop to let her fingers touch my temple and pull me far out of reality.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n" a childish voice sings, the kid's walking through the grass with their hands spread out letting their fingers touch all of the straws.
A soft wind blow their thick dark hair up in front of their face.

"Where are you?" the young voice calls with a giggle and the body takes a few quicker steps forward.
"Come find me" my own voice calls from somewhere around and it is first now I recognize the field around the house I grew up in with the coven my mom and I was a part of. I spent hours there, running around, getting muddy and if it rained it would be even better, because I would be connected to the nature that surrounded me. Spent every day there, especially after the new witch and her daughter arrived.

The child giggles again and runs in the direction of the sound of my voice, they find me in the grass and I run toward the small child and lift them up in my embrace swirling us around on the big field, laughing as if the world could never reach us.

The picture skips to another time and the body is now taller, the child has grown and we're no longer on a field, but carrying heavy, water-filled buckets through the mud towards our new and much smaller house.
"My mom taught me how to fly yesterday" the young woman says with a proud smile and grows slightly taller by the words of her progress.
"You have to show me that when we get home!" I hear my voice say, it's full of excitement.
"Of course! I mean I can levitate so far but soon I can be flying like you" says the dark-haired girls with happiness.

Time skips again, this time the girl is levitating with me by her side, she's grinning and I too have a smile on my lips, but the feeling in the air tells me that something is up, because I know what happens, I know the power she suddenly gets greedy for, the way she would read books not fit for her age yet, I know her and I loved her with my whole heart.

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