11. 'On The Run.'

Start from the beginning

"It always ends in a fight."

"You pulled me from the river, why?" Steve replied raising his voice.

"I don't know." Bucky muttered.

"Yes, you do."

Before anymore could be said, a grenade rolls into the room. Bucky kicks it towards Steve, who covers it with his shield. When a shot goes past my ear, coming from the direction of the now broken window. I move under the mattress, which is below where the shot was fired and lifted it to cover the clear view of anything happening inside. Also, to protect me slightly. A mattress where I have spent many nights lying awake. Bucky gets the same idea. Then he moves out from under the tattered sponge-like object and kicks our dining table towards the door to stop anyone from getting in that way.

Bucky starts with the soldiers that broke through the windows, smashing the glass completely. The soldiers start to fire their guns, not hitting anything in particular. I move towards one of the soldiers and punch, kick, and block until he falls to the floor, unconsciously. Steve also helps, weirdly but I appreciate it.

"Buck, y/n/n stop. You're gonna kill someone." Bucky pins Steve down on the floor, while I punch a hole in our floor for both our emergency backpacks.

They were pre-packed for any emergencies, with clothes, a notepad (for Buckys memories) and essential products such as food, drinks, and toiletries. We packed them a while ago in case HYDRA had found us somehow, or if something like this situation happened where we had to go and find somewhere else to lay low. This was always hard because this had been one of the longest times, we had stayed in a place in one visit, and now that we had to leave one of the places, we got to call a temporary home for so long. The memories of walks, happiness, and stupid mistakes really came through and it was sad to look back on.

"We're not gonna kill anyone." I explained then threw the bags out the window. A gun fires and we all huddle behind Steves shield. Hoping none of us get hit, or that the gunman had terrible aim, which in fact he did. Each of us took on our own soldier. They weren't properly trained for fighting, so they would go down easily. I ran towards a man kneeing him in the stomach, he knocked back into the wall. I punched him several times in the face, and he slumped down the wall, once again another one unconscious.

Both Bucky and I ran towards our apartment door and pushed past the police force. Quickly moving them with more force if needed. One man comes down on a zip-wire shooting at us, luckily none of the bullets hit us. I pick up a metal bar lying on the floor, and hit the team coming up or down the stairs knocking them back. Bucky doing the same.

When all is clear we both jump to the zip-wire, landing on a lower platform. We both continued fighting the police men, trying to rid of as many as we could before we could get a clear exit out. Bucky flings a man over the side of the banister, but Steve catches him before he can fall.

"Come on." Steve said to Bucky. Before swinging the soldier back and hitting him against the wall behind him. The apartment building was now filled with unconscious men, who tried to do well at their job, but failed as three super-soldiers were against them.

I fought any soldiers that were coming our way, there were lots of them but being honest they didn't really have a chance. Bucky then rips the railing and uses it to get to the level below and knock a soldier into an apartment door. Steve connects two soldiers safety hooks and hangs one off the railing making it difficult for them to get up and fight. Both Steve and I run down the stairs to where Bucky is fighting more of the force.

After more fighting Bucky jumps down the stairwell and grabs onto a piece of railing. He groans in discomfort then climbs over it and moves towards the nearest apartment door. I follow his lead landing on the metal bars above, climbing over, then running down the stairs as fast as I could without falling over. I ran towards Bucky who waited for me, even though he could have gotten away easily.

We then ran into the apartment and over to the balcony, after doing so we both jumped onto the building slightly below the one we were in. We rolled onto the building top, and it hurt like a bitch, I knew that would cause a bruise later. I grabbed my bag and so did Bucky, then we began to run. At first, we looked slightly drunk after trying to pick up bags whilst still running. I strapped my bag, to make it more secure and to make sure I dont forget it.

Before Bucky could get his backpack strapped and secured a shadowed figure came from behind him. Once I saw the figure in better light, they had cat ears, a black suit with metal spikes sticking out, cat eyes and sharp claws made of some sort of metal. They jumped on Bucky's back, sending him to the ground, and then showing their claws, trying to look in the least threatening. To me it just seemed as though he was trying to show off or when a kitten tries to play. Although when they began to fight, they definitely weren't kittens playing together, more like tigers or lions or even panthers.

For a moment I just stood and watched, then realised I wasn't being helpful to Bucky in the slightest. I moved in towards the fight then heard the sound of more footsteps on the already manic roof. They were light footsteps, but because of the serum I was able to hear them. I thought it was this Panther persons wingman or backup plan if they couldnt get 'The Winter Soldier' as easily as they had planned to. Although when I turned to look it was only Steve.

Panther had their claws pointed towards Bucky's face, when bullets started hitting the panthers suit, they just bounced straight off again and dropped to the floor. The Panther just looked at the helicopter not flinching once as if to say, 'Really?'

Bucky got free from his grip, and I jumped off one side of the building, silently praying Bucky got the hint to know I'd gone. I ran across to the nearest place I know we could kind of get cover and loose them in. Before I made it there more bullets were shot until eventually, I jumped into a hole which led to a busy road. I looked around until I saw Bucky jump in beside me.

Then both of us ran down the road, Panther and Steve following us. Police cars sirens were blasting out, and someone on a gramophone was saying, "Stand down!"

The police man repeatedly said it, I looked behind once the voice has stopped to find that Steve was now in the car. He started speeding up the car to catch up with Bucky, he was the important person. He was still somehow behind me, and I focused on looking in front. A motorbike came towards me in the other direction, and I ran to grab onto it then sped off dodging cars that were in my way and then quickly glanced, when I was in the position to, behind to see if Bucky was following. It seemed he was, and had the same idea, as he was on a motorbike too.

The car, motorbike and panther chase was still happening. Whilst I was in front just trying to find somewhere to go; the tunnel we were in seemed never ending. Being honest, I hadn't the foggiest clue where I was supposed to be going. In the first place, I wasn't the one they were after; I was just an unknown super soldier to the public. Yes, I killed back in the day and made some fame, if you would call it that, but people kind of thought I'd been killed off or just disappeared for the good of the public. They obviously didn't know HYDRA and the dangers of it, HYDRA wouldn't just let me free and they sure as hell couldn't kill me.

As I was looking behind at the scene that was commencing, police cars started blocking my way, so I turned the other way only to be trapped. At this point I realised there was no where to go and everyone on the car chase was in the same position, I am in. It's no use trying to get anywhere, plus I might go unnoticed although I wouldn't want to leave Bucky with these people.

Some kind of robot thing flies down with their laser hands up and a gun raised coming from their suit. "Congratulations Cap, you're a criminal." They said spitefully.

Bucky is forced down onto the ground, then before I know it so am I. Without any idea why they think I'm some kind of person of interest, I know I caused a bit of havoc, but not that much. The Panther takes their mask off after hiding their claws and reveals King TChalla of Wakanda. Now that wasn't what I was expecting. Both Bucky and I seem to be pinned to the floor whilst they are having a bloody staring competition or something.


Hey, hey! I'm so so sorry for not updating in like 2 and a half months. I had little to no motivation, but I will try my best to update soon. Thank you for reading this chapter. Please male sure to eat, drink, and talk to someone and I hope you have a nice day/ night! :)


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