The Cornucopia

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All of these characters were specially trained to act out the Hunger Games. Please note that not one being was hurt in the process. All the deaths were played out with fake weapons, a couple of ferrets, and nearly fifty bottles of ketchup.

Sixty seconds. 

That is how much time I have to survey the arena before they let us run. 

In front of me, about sixty feet away is a golden horn tilted on its side. Inside it are weapons, food, water, and other stuff. To my right, I can see in the distance a tall mountain range. It might be hopeful thinking, but I thing I see caps of white snow on them. 

In front of the mountains is a thick, green forest.

My mental clock tells me I have about thirty seconds left. 

I am surrounded by a flat stretch of grass. Far behind that to my left, even from here I can see the waves. The ocean. 

It is stiflingly hot in the arena. It makes my scales feel ugly and dry and look ugly and dry. Not that I care. Good looks were never on my agenda. Five seconds... get ready to run...

Three seconds... two... one...


I take off from my platform, as all the other tributes are doing. Both of the RainWings immediately vanish into thin air. All I can think is I could actually win if I get my talons on some throwing knives. 

The male SkyWing already has landed next to the Cornucopia. He sprints inside to where all the good stuff is. The female SkyWing--Ibex? Or was it Ibis?--gets there next, clips a small black pouch under her wing, and flies towards the woods.

Robin comes out of the 'horn' with a devilish grin on his face. I don't have time to wonder why, because he lobs something straight at me. Instinctively I tuck in my icy-blue wings and roll onto a different air current. 

An explosion sends me smacking into the side of the Cornucopia, followed by a scream. I peel myself off the hot golden surface and land in front of the entrance to the 'horn'.

 When I look behind me, I see the male SeaWing clutching his arm which has a burn mark on it. While Robin throws himself into the sky, Storm falls to the ground and stumbles towards a small pouch. He slings it over his neck and begins to wing his way towards the far-away ocean.

I decide to let him go. I don't want to kill anyone just yet. By now, all the tributes have arrived, so I grab the pack nearest to me. It is of medium size and dark green. I clip it under my wing as Ibis did.

Suddenly, someone slams into me from behind. A small red, black and green RainWing appears. She opens her mouth and I duck again. 


Another scream. The male MudWing is hit on his back right leg with venom. I don't stick around to see more of it. I just bolt for the woods.


This is my first chapter! I just finished book 2 of Hunger Games and then became obsessed with it. Tell me what you think of the characters. I don't have time to make another chapter yet, but I will within the next few days. Btw, this chapter is from Skylark's point of view.

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