Chapter 3

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    It was noon, almost nighttime, and as soon as I heard knocking, I immediately opened the door. Cora was finally here. She gave me a quick kiss and walked inside. I took her to the kitchen where my family was already sitting at the table, waiting for the food to be ready.

"Mom, Dad, Cora is gonna eat dinner with us, is that okay?"

"Oh it's your girlfriend, of course she can eat dinner with us." dad said cheerfully.

"Oh Cora it's so good to see you again." my mother said happily.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs. Matthews."

    I took Cora's hand and went to the living room to greet my siblings, knowing that they would be happy to see her. Joseph and Neveah love when Cora comes to hang out at our house, they think she's cool. Joseph loves to play video games with her, both of them are really good at gaming. Neveah likes to make origami with her and they even paint things together.. I then took her back to the kitchen to say hi to Allen. He was still cooking and turned to give her a hug and how nice it was to see her again, and then turned back to keep cooking, letting us know that dinner should be ready soon. I then took her upstairs to my room and closed the door behind us, locking it to make sure no one could barge in.

"Wilbur, you guys can come out now, it's just Cora and I."

    As a couple bees came out of the cracked door of my closet, Cora gave me a weird look.


"He told me that was his name," I say as I sit on my bed.

"That's a cute name."

    After Cora dropped me off at my house hours ago, as soon as I stepped inside I went straight to my room and locked myself in there. During that time, I was able to learn the name of the bee who came into my room, Wilbur, and I asked if he could bring some of his friends so I could meet them, and he left to go get them. When he came back, he had six other bees with him, and they greeted me, and I greeted them back. We basically got to know each other.

"I guess Wilbur brought some friends." she said as she sat down next to me.

"Yeah, I asked him too, and turns out their colony is already on their way here, and that they would lay low in the trees near the house."

"So, do you know how you're going to talk to your parents about all this?"

"I'll bring it up while we're eating, I plan to have Wilbur and three of the bees out of the six he brought to hide in the pocket of my hoodie, they won't come out until I give the command. The other bees will go to where the colony is hiding."

"Hmm, and what if something goes wrong?" she said, a hint of concern in her voice.

"...I don't know, but at least you'll be there to help me." I say with a soft smile.


"Juno, Cora, the food is ready, come on downstairs." I hear Neveah say from the other side of the door.

"Okay we'll be right down." I reply.

    I turn to Wilbur, and gesture to the bees to go and hide inside my pocket. Cora and I then left my room and to the kitchen, we were nervous. We saw everyone already at the table and took our seats, Cora sitting next to me. Allen then served us some soup that smelled delicious, and we all began to eat.

My mom spoke, “So Carl, how have you been-”

“Cora, mom.” I interrupt.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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