I Don't Remember...

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"Alright, your order will be out in a little while." You flash a fake smile at Ash and turn away to head towards the kitchen.

A hand reaches out to grab your wrist and pulls, turning you back around. You look towards Ash angrily, about to tell him to lay off, but freeze as you find yourself only inches away from his face, as Ash had stood up as you turned.

He looks at you, with almost desperate eyes, before speaking quietly, his warm breath which smelled like peppermint brushing across your face.

"Do you... remember me?"

You look at him questioningly, caught off guard by the question.

"No... Should I?"

Ash's breath seems to catch in his throat, the desperation in his eyes becoming wild. He squeezes your wrist tighter, making you wince.

"You really don't remember-"

"Excuse me."

A hand gently pulls your wrist out of Ash's grip, and you look up to see Kirishima, a tight smile on his face as he looks at Ash, Bakugou behind him with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"I think she has things to do, would you mind letting her be? You're disturbing people."

Kirishima steps in front of you slightly to continue his staring contest with Ash, and a hand closes on your lower arm and slowly pulls you back. You turn and see Bakugou, an impassive expression now on his face as he guides you to the door that leads to the kitchen.

As you near the door, he slows down and finally speaks in an uncharacteristically soft voice. "You're shift is over right? Go change."

He lets go, and after a brief glance at your wrist to make sure it's uninjured, he begins to head back to back up Kirishima.

You call out to him before you know what you're doing.

"Um-... the thing is..." As Bakugou turns back around you feel a harsh blush creep into your face.
After a few moments of stuttering and more embarrassment, you finally get control of your tongue and speak.

"I could've handled it!" You look at his surprised face, calming down just enough to finish your sentence. "But... t-thank you..." you turn and slip into the kitchen, shutting the door immediately and missing the small smile on Bakugou's face.

                                             * * *

After changing, you head back out to the main room of the cafe and look around. To your surprise, Ash is gone, and Bakugou and Kirishima are sitting in their seats, finishing off their drinks.
They see you and stand up to walk over, having already paid.

"Where's...." You trail off as you look around again to try to spot Ash.

"He left, as soon as you went into the back room actually." Kirishima says, opening the cafe door for you and Bakugou to walk out. "He mentioned something about someone being disappointed..." Kirishima looks at you as he and Bakugou fall into place on either side of you while walking down the sidewalk.

"Do you know him?" Bakugou's question catches you off guard, his ruby eyes flashing to and from you as he waits for a response.


You think briefly about lying to them... no one was supposed to find out about where you were from and what had happened to you.

After a minute of determining what to do, you decide to tell a portion of the truth.

"The truth is I was in an accident last year... I have trouble remembering things because some memories are gone, and some are foggy."

Kirishima and Bakugo look at you, surprise etched on their faces.

Kirishima quickly gets his expression in check and looks forward, trying not to make you uncomfortable. "I'm sorry if we made you think of something unpleasant."

Bakugou nods, looking down at the ground as the three of you keep walking.

You smile at their consideration. "It's alright, don't worry about it." As the three of you stop at a deserted stoplight, you pull your school uniform to the right so that your shoulder is seeable. Kirishima and Bakugou's eyes go wide and they look away immediately, their faces tinged with red.

You laugh openly. "Oh my god, calm down you two, look."

They slowly turn their heads back around, unsure of themselves, and you point to the eraser sized scar on your shoulder.

"I woke up with this after the accident, but I don't remember how I got it."

Kirishima looks at you again, unsure of what to do, before he leans in slightly to look at the scar. "It looks like a burn scar... Maybe you were in some kind of fire?"

You pull your uniform back into it's proper place as the cross sign shines green.

"Maybe... sometimes I catch glimpses of my past memories and they come back, but I haven't remembered anything from the accident yet."

Kirishima looks up at the sky after getting to the other side of the crosswalk, thinking hard. "I wonder what could've made you lose your memories."

You giggle at Kirishima, then turn to look at Bakugou who had stayed quiet, apparently also lost in thought.

Kirishima begins sharing his insane and impossible explanations, making you laugh, until a few minutes later he looks at his watch, freezing in his tracks.


You and Bakugou jump, surprised by the sudden yell, and turn to look at him, speaking in unison.


Kirishima slaps his hand onto his forehead, speaking in a rushed voice. "I promised Sero and Mina I'd go with them to Sero's watch the latest episode of 'The Strolling Deceased'! I gotta go!"

He turns bolts down the street before either your or Bakugou can say another word. You awkwardly turn to look at each other, the middleman now gone and unable to carry the conversation.

You give Bakugou a small smile before speaking in an awkward tone.

"Should we get going...?"

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