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╔════╡9 MONTHS LATER | 02╞════╗

"What are you doing?" A voice questioned.

"He likes this song." Another voice answered.

"How could you possibly know that?"

"I checked his Facebook page. I mean, he can hear everything, right?"

"Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate."

Barry stirred, listening to two unfamiliar voices bicker.

Cisco sang along to the song, Poker Face, walking back towards the center.

Barry lurched forward, gasping out, "Where am I?"

"He's up," Caitlin notified, rushing towards the man in question with a cup, whilst Cisco paged Dr. Wells.

Caitlin rambled on about Barry's stats, Cisco tried to calm him down seeing as he was freaking out.

"I'm Cisco Ramon, she's Caitlin- Dr. Snow," Cisco corrected himself.

"I need you to urinate in this," Caitlin motioned to the cup in her hand, earning a look from Barry and Cisco.

"— Not this second," Cisco grits, snatching the cup from her fingers.

"What is- what is happening?! What's going on?!" Barry questioned his anxiety spiking.

Cisco went on to explain how he was struck by lightning.

"What?" Barry mumbled, spinning around towards another screen that displayed his abdomen. "Lightning gave me abs?"

"Your muscles should be atrophied, but instead they're in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration," Caitlin explains, poking at his stomach.

"Come here, have a seat." Cisco motioned to the stool behind him before continuing. "You were in a coma."

Barry's eyes widened, "For how long?"


After being told he was in a nine-month coma, his first reaction was to go see his best friend, Iris.

It wasn't like he was in love with the girl, he wasn't. He never looked at her as more than a little sister. It was just that they were best friends and Barry's only friend besides that. She and Joe were the only things he had since his mother died and his father was wrongfully put behind bars.

Barry pushed the door open with a smile, his eyes locked on a now-frozen Iris.

"Oh my god," Iris gasped, rushing forward to give her best friend a hug. "You're awake."

ETHEREAL | Barry Allen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now