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Sarah, Henry, and Grace were sitting at the counter making crafts out of pipe cleaners, hot glue, and popsicle sticks.

"What are you guys making?" I asked them.

"Sculptures or something," Sarah told me.

Sarah was pretty artistic so she somehow made hers look good.

"Can we make some?" I asked.

"Go right ahead," she invited.

Wilbur, Rose, Tommy, and I sat across from them and worked on our sculptures. I looked over at Tommy's. It appeared to be a person.

"What are you making?" I said.

"I'm making you," he replied, gluing a googly eye in place. "What are you making?"

"A thing," I answered.

"That is very cool. A very cool thing," he told me.

"It is a surprise," I said, twisting a red pipe cleaner around a popsicle stick frame I made.

I finished it up and ended up with a heart. I decided to write a message in a scrap piece of paper to go with it.

I like you a lot, I wrote. I tucked into the pipe cleaners. I handed it to him.

"Thank you. I'll keep this forever," he said, reading the note. "Why doesn't it say something like 'Tommy is the best person ever'?"

"It just doesn't," I answered him.

"It should have said that."

"I can take it back if you want," I offered.

"No, I guess it's fine how it is," he mumbled.

Tommy went back to his craft. He finished and proudly held it up. To my surprise, it didn't look too bad. He made a portrait of me out of markers, popsicle sticks, and pipe cleaners. He handed it to me.

"Thank you, Tommy! I really like it!" I smiled.

"Of course you do. I made it," he said.

I laughed and set it down. I looked over at what Wilbur was making. It looked like he was coloring a bunch of popsicle sticks and forming it into some kind of picture. I saw Rose's picture. I didn't mean to laugh, but I did. It looked like a gorilla.

"I like your picture, Rose! It's umm... great!" I commented.

"It isn't," she said.

"It's a really realistic picture of a gorilla," I pointed out.

"It's supposed to be a self portrait," she told me.

"Oh," was all I could say back.

We decided to do another checkers tournament like we dis last year. I barely won against Sarah. After, I went against Wilbur. I lost drastically. Wilbur won over Tommy. The last game was Rose against Wilbur. I knew Wilbur would win because Rose wouldn't be able to concentrate on the game with him sitting across from her. The game was very close, but Wilbur ended up winning, just like I thought. For a bit, my mom and Wilbur talked about music. He stayed for dinner when we had spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad. At night, Rose and I talked about the dance tomorrow. Before I went to sleep, I decided to watch a video of one of Tommy's old streams for fun. I fell asleep watching it. At around 1 a.m, I woke up. Rose was still awake on her phone.

"Rose!" I whisper-shouted to her.

She looked startled for a second. "What?"

"Go to bed! It's almost 2!" I said back.

"I can't! I'm doing something!" she told me.

"It can wait," I said.

"You don't understand. I'm playing Minecraft with Wilbur," she explained.

"So he's up too?" I asked, shaking my head.


"He needs to sleep too! We're actually doing something tomorrow!" I cried.

"Fine, I will," she relented.

"Tell Wilbur that I told him to get some sleep," I instructed.

"You sound like a mom," she reminded me.

"I will sound like one if it means making you actually sleep."

I fell back asleep after that and woke up in the morning. Fortunately, it wasn't Tommy screaming in my ear. Unfortunately, it was Henry launching himself onto my bed.

"Henry!" I yelled.

He stopped. "What?"

"Why did you have to wake me up?" I said, very annoyed.

"Mom told me to wake you up," he replied cheerfully.

"Tell her I said thanks," I muttered.

"You wanted Tommy to wake you up again, didn't you? That's why you're mad," he told me.

"No! He shouted in my ear last time! I'm mad because you jumped on me, not because of that!" I answered angrily.

He just nodded and left. Rose was already awake. I got dressed and walked downstairs. Apparently, Tommy wasn't awake. A mischievous grin settled on my face.

"Mrs. Simons, could I go wake up Tommy?" I asked.

"Go for it," she shrugged.

I snuck upstairs very quietly. I silently opened the door to his room. I was trying to decide what to do. Should I shout in his ear like he did yesterday, or should I pull a Henry and jump onto his bed at top speed? After some careful decision making, I decided on none of them. I knew exactly what I was going to do. It would make him very mad, but it would be very funny. I searched through my phone and pulled up a video. I turned the volume up all the way. Music blasted out. Tommy blinked his eyes open. The video I had pulled up was his video of him doing 'Jump in the Cadillac.' I knew he hated it.

"What? No..." he groaned. "Not that video. No."

"Wake up!" I shouted over the music.

"Only if you turn off the video!" he shouted back.

"Fine," I said, turning it off.

He got up and we went downstairs to grab breakfast. We were all talking excitedly about the Shoreline Ball. We had decided that as a group, we would go somewhere for dinner. Tommy had surprised us by saying he invited a special guest to come along with us. I was excited to figure out who it was.

a/n: If I were to post SBH from Tommy's POV, would you guys read it? 

Spring Break // Helpless IIWhere stories live. Discover now