Start from the beginning

"I saw your laser sword. Only Jedis carry that kind of weapon," Anakin explained, and I sighed. I knew I'd seen him eyeing Qui-Gon's lightsaber earlier... if only I'd thought to warn him about it.

Qui-Gon leaned back in his seat, still chewing. "Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him," he suggested wisely.

Anakin leaned back as well, smirking. "I don't think so," he said. "No one can kill a Jedi."

Qui-Gon smiled, chuckling at the little boy. "I wish that were so."

"I had a dream I was a Jedi," Anakin admitted. "I came back here and freed all the slaves." He stared at Qui-Gon, his eyes full of wonder and fascination. I could feel hope radiating off of him as he asked his next question: "Are you here to free us?"

Qui-Gon, who had been taking a sip of his drink, set down the glass, and glanced sadly at Shmi. "No, I'm afraid not."

Anakin narrowed his eyes, thoughtful and full of hope. "I think you have. Why else would you be here?" He finally took his gaze off of Qui-Gon and looked around at the rest of us. As Anakin made eye contact with Padmé, she looked down, obviously feeling guilty. He moved onto me, and I smiled sadly. I glanced up at Qui-Gon, asking for permission to be honest, and he gave me a small nod.

I turned back to Anakin with a small smile. "You're very perceptive, Anakin. But I'm afraid that's not why we're here. We're on our way to Coruscant, the central system in the Republic, on a very important mission."

Anakin frowned, confused. "How did you end up here in the outer rim?"

"Our ship was damaged, and we're stranded here until we can repair it," Padmé admitted. Anyone who didn't know her well wouldn't have noticed, but I could tell there was a slight, hidden strain of pain in her voice. She was aching, feeling restless and helpless stuck here on this planet while her people back home were dying. I felt terrible seeing her that way--even though I had no love for the world of politics, I knew that that was her life. And the fact that she was here undercover and couldn't even show her feelings just made it all worse. I wanted to say something--something that would reassure her without the others catching on, but before I could think of something to say, Anakin spoke up.

"I can help," he offered. "I can fix anything!"

"I believe you can," Qui-Gon told Anakin with a small chuckle and a smile. "But first... we must acquire the parts we need."

"Wit no-nutten mula to trade," Jar Jar tacked on.

"These junk dealers must have a weakness of some kind," I murmured, glancing between Anakin and Shmi, hoping for some advice.

"Gambling," Shmi told me at once. "Everything around here revolves around betting on those awful races."

"Podracing," Qui-Gon realized. He nodded vigorously--I could tell his mind was racing. "Greed can be a powerful ally."

"I've built a racer! It's the fastest ever," Anakin announced proudly. "There's a big race tomorrow on Boonta Eve... you could enter my pod!"

"Anakin," Shmi cut in reproachfully, "Watto won't let you."

"Watto doesn't know I've built it," Anakin pointed out. He pointed to Qui-Gon, a whole plan spilling out. "You could make him think it was yours, and get him to let me pilot it for you."

But Shmi was already shaking her head, disapproving of the plan. "But I don't want you to race, Anakin. It's awful. I die every time Watto makes you do it."

I couldn't blame her for being so hesitant. Podracing was dangerous and unpredictable--the last thing I wanted was for Anakin to get hurt on our behalf.

"But mom, I love it," Anakin insisted, his eyebrows creased, as Qui-Gon and I exchanged looks, considering. Anakin turned to Qui-Gon, going on. "And the prize money would more than pay for the parts you need."

"Anakin..." Shmi sighed, still skeptical and tentative.

I sighed, leaning forward. "Your mother's right," I told him softly. "We can't ask you to do that for us."

Qui-Gon nodded in agreement. "Is there anyone friendly to the Republic who can help us?"

Shmi glanced from me to Qui-Gon. "No," she admitted, shaking her head morosely. She looked down at the table, downcast, her mind whirring thoughtfully.

Right when I was about to ask for more advice, Anakin blinked upsettingly at his mother, still on the touchy subject of the race. "Mom, you say the biggest problem in this universe is that nobody helps each other."

Shmi looked seriously at her son, and exhaled... long and hard.

Padmé spoke up, her usual diplomatic self coming to the front. "I'm sure Qui-Gon and Emeré don't want to put your son in danger. We'll find some other way," she informed her.

But Shmi just looked up, staring off into the distance at something none of us could see. "No," she said finally. "There is no other way." She swallowed hard, then looked down at her hands. I watched her with bated breath as she finally let out what she was trying to say. "I may not like it, but he can help you. He was meant to help you."

Anakin looked up, aghast, eyes wide. He glanced from me to Qui-Gon, as if unable to believe it. Qui-Gon was silent for a couple moments, just staring at Anakin. Then he looked at me, his eyes questioning. He seemed to be asking, How do we play this?

I was stunned. A Jedi Knight, asking me, a 19 year old Padawan--not even his own apprentice, mind you--what her opinion on a crucial matter was? I swallowed and thought about it. On one hand, I didn't want to put Anakin in danger on our behalf... especially when it hurt Shmi so much to do it. But on the other hand... there was no other option. It was either this, or let everyone on Naboo die.

I met Qui-Gon's eye again and gave him a small, terse nod.

With a decision made, Qui-Gon's eyes flitted between Anakin and his mother. He sighed and finally spoke.



Hey everyone! I've come with a little bit of a shorter chapter today. But I promise you, this short chapter is worth it, because things are going to start getting really crazy in the next chapter! I've been waiting to publish chapter thirteen since I wrote it and I can't wait for you guys to read it and see what you think of it. 

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, please feel free to leave a vote or a comment letting me know what your thoughts are! I can't wait to show you guys what is in store for Emeré and her future. Thanks again for reading, and see you next chapter!

~ ᴋᴀᴛᴇʟʏɴ ~

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