Dinosaurs - Tsukishima☁️

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You are Tsukishima's partner. It has its ups and downs but in the end you love him and although he won't admit it, he loves you too! Today you're going to his house after school, you've been pushing and pushing to go but he's been avoiding it. Why may you ask? Well let's find out :)
f/s=favorite snack
f/d=favorite drink

-the bell rings and class ends-
y/n pov-
I run towards Tsukki's classroom to meet up with him. I'm so excited he finally agreed to let me come over! We always go out somewhere or go to my house, so it'll be a nice change. I approach the classroom door and I see a tall spaghetti noodle man walk out with his usual unimpressed expression, although I could've swore he smiled a bit when he saw me.

I walk up to him and say teasingly "so...where are we headed today?" of course I knew he probably wouldn't say anything but give me a glare.  "not very talkative huh? anyways, do you want to stop by the store to get some snacks?" He looked down at me and just pulled out his phone,seemingly searching up directions. I take that as a yes.

I wonder why he's been so worried for me to come over? Is his family embarrassing? Or maybe his room is always a mess? no that couldn't be it, I know this because of the countless times he has come over and scolded me to clean my room.

I get lost in my own thoughts then I get snapped back to reality when I hear Tsukishima say my name. "y/n?" "hello?" "we're here, airhead." Ah, yes the lovely nickname he gave me after Shoyo threw an airhead candy at me, I choked and nearly DIED. I'm not sure why he thought it was funny.

Tsukishima grabbed my hand and pulled me in the store while he silently laughed at my blank expression. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I see all the snack options. I run towards them, pulling him with me this time. I put f/s and one f/d in the basket and look back at Tsukki. I notice he's been staring at me, he ever so slightly blushes and looks away.

Even though he was very stoic, he was dating you for a reason.

Tsukishima grabbed a snack and drink for himself then walked with me to the counter. I looked through my bag so I could pay but he had beat me to it. Obviously I protested but he already paid so there was nothing I could do about it. I grabbed the bags before he could and walked out without looking at him.

I wasn't really mad but come one, I love messing with him. He looked annoyed and grabbed my hand so we could start walking to his house. I pulled my hand away and crossed my arms. "You really love being a brat don't you?" I was shocked by his words but also found it hilarious. "How dare you say such things. I'm obviously just showing human emotion, that's not being a brat!" I object. He simply replies with something I honestly never expected. "What are you upset about? I paid because that's what a good boyfriend does." My eyes widened and I de-tensed. "I know...but-" He cut me off by fluffing my hair and grabbing my hand again to continue walking.

I gave in and held his hand back while leaning my head on his arm/shoulder. I look up at him
and see he's smiling.

A few minutes pass and we arrive at his house. It was a generic, normal, nice-looking house. Although I didn't expect anything bad to begin with. We walk in and take our shoes off at the door.

As I start to stand back up we're greeted by a non-glasses, happy version of Tsukishima. "hi! you must be y/n. I'm Tsukishima Akiteru. Tsukki has told me all about you, it's nice he finally met someone who he doesn't want to ignore all the time!" "oh, hello. It's nice to meet you, and I wouldn't really say that." I reply, quite shocked this guy is related to Tsukishima. Tsuki then stands up and says "Hey Akiteru, we're going to hang out in the living room so if you don't mind get lost." That was a bit harsh, even for him. Akiteru walks out while saying something that I didn't quite catch but whatever he said left Tsukishima all blushy, almost embarrassed. I could assume what he said but i'd like to keep a clean mind.

Tsukki takes my hand once again, leading me to the living area. The house is so nice I just stare at everything in awe. He notices and says "I know right, like a mansion." I sarcastically laugh and sit down beside him. He takes out our snacks and drinks then sets down his bookbag. I do the same. I'm not much of a "school person" but ever since Tsuki and I started dating i've honestly gotten into it a bit more and gotten better grades.

We both pull out schoolwork and pencils. I go to open my drink and notice he's still holding my hand. I blush and decide to mess with his a bit. "For a emotionless guy, you sure do love holding my hand." His eyes widen then he calms down as he apparently came up with a good response. "Don't start to think you're special shorty." We both laugh and start to do our work.

Most couples study dates normally turn into make-out sessions or just anything unproductive. However, with Tsuki it hardly ever went that way.

When we both finish our work I suggest we go to his room so we could watch a movie or something. He suddenly tenses up and says "uh...we can't...my rooms, not clean." I can tell when he is lying, not sure how though. "Come on Tsukki, we always study. How about we do some actual couple things and watch a movie together?" He sighs and gets up while collecting his things and I jump up and run behind him. We get to a door which he seems to dread opening. 'So whatever he's been trying to avoid has to be in here...?'

He opens the door slowly and I walk in and notice nothing out of the ordinary except for a small framed picture of Yamaguchi and him. 'How cute!' Then I notice it...a huge green dinosaur plush type beanbag in the corner. For any normal person this would be...well normal. But for Tsukishima...this is a very different room than what you would expect him to have.

He sighs and says "Don't. say. anything" I look at him puzzled...then I suddenly start laughing uncontrollably. "You weren't letting me come over because you were embarrassed of a plush beanbag?" He looked confused and shocked at my response. I walk up to him and hug him. "You dumbass, I already knew you like dinosaurs, and I'm with you because I like you. No materialistic item can change that" He was flustered by your words and how you verbalized your feelings towards him. Which is something you never did.

He laughed realizing how naive he was, you weren't like everyone else. You wouldn't mess with or bully him for something he genuinely liked.

I slightly jumped as I felt two arms snake around me and realization hit. Tsukishima Kei was hugging hugging me. He actually hugged me back. I got super and excited and jumped onto his bed. He walked towards me, laid down and wrapped his arm around me. I let him pick the movie since I knew I'd fall asleep anyway.

That night you both fell asleep at a deeper understanding and comfort for each other.

I hope I portrayed his character well enough and did him justice.
Anyways oouu get it ig, y/n. Getting the beanpole to fall for you😌

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