"Not only does Adira have that to consider but I heard she's agreed to the council hearing and the possibility exist that they will mention the circumstances. Not to forget they'll also pressure you to go because let's face it, you are the star of the show,"

"She agreed?" The woman questioned, taken aback by Adira's sudden acquiescence.

"After ignoring it for about a month? Someone talked her into it,"

"Maybe she realized it was the better thing to do," Petra shrugged.

"You do know they're going to chastise everyone involved in that ghetto ass conflict?"

"I don't blame them,"

"You know the severity of attacking a human like that, Petra,"

"I was defending myself,"

"The second time around, sure but what about the first time you tried to kill her beloved?"

There was a period of silence.

"Jealousy isn't justification for attempted murder, Petra. The human girl was in the right, you knew not to drink from her, you were warned to stay clea-"

"Can you spare me the righteous bullshit, please?"

Edas bit his tongue. The man glared at his friend and she reciprocated his stare but what she couldn't mime was his smugness. Petra knew he smelled Beth in her home the entire time, she saw the way he sniffed the air, his senses perking but she didn't care: she didn't care to explain any of that shit.

"You're so up my ass, what about yours? Do you think Adira's stupid? She knows you're the one who led the attack on her revenants, she knows you murdered all those innocent humans, she knows everything, she's just giving you time to come clean, she always does,"

"Now worry about that, worry about her fucking you up in the future because trust me, she will, and when she does..." added Petra. Her mind tumbled forward with all the chaos that will unfurl the second Adira decided to exact revenge.

"I'm more than ready to be accosted by her highness,"

"Don't be stupid,"

"So you found yourself a human?" Edas questioned, switching the conversation. His ruby eyes directly to the woman and he noticed her standing more defensively.

"What about it?"

"Is it the same human you begged the revenant queen not to keep you from? But more importantly, does she know what you are or have you decided to abide by the rules this time and keep your mouth shut?"

"You're in my business and I don't like that,"

The disingenuous vampire chuckled. He walked up to his friend and he studied her.

"Be careful," he uttered. "This isn't coming from a place of threat because I had many relationships with humans in the past, but be careful. She's prone to danger and violence and one day she is going to question things, they always do."

"Thank you for the kind words but I'm more than ready for those questions and I'm more than capable of protecting her,"

Edas' eyes went over to the stairs and looking down at them, whispering among each other was the blonde who'd stepped out from the shower. He waved at her and she smiled, waving back with enthusiasm.

"Such a pleasant surprise miss, Petra and I have just been talking about you. She had good things to say about you Beth, about how wonderful you are and have been to her. It's so nice to see this horndog cuffed and in deep like," he stated causing the girl to chuckle.

The Revenant Queen 2 (wlw)Where stories live. Discover now