Stand As One

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Walking out of the room with my hair tied into a messy bun. I pull my cardigan a little closer around me rubbing my arms as I walk outside. Seeing cars pulling up to the Hobbs home, I feel fear coursing through my veins. My heart pulsing in my ears, and my body almost going jello.

Seeing the cars coming to a stop and doors open. I squeal seeing my older brother getting out of one with Mia. Running down the steps I run to him hugging him tightly. "I gotcha kid." Brian whispers rubbing my back.

"I know." I whisper to my brother as I pull back.

Turning to Mia I hug her tightly and smile. "Thank you for coming." I tell her.

"Jack is in good hands, back home. So don't worry. We're here to protect our family." Mia smiles.

I nod seeing Dom emerge from the car behind them with his fiancé, Karen. Smiling I rush to my best friend hugging her tightly before moving to Dom. Greeting my family one by one, I smile thankful their here. Stopping, I see Deck's mom emerge from a car with Owen. "Oh my god." I whisper walking to Queenie and hugging her.

"We aren't about to let you fight this battle alone, darling." Queenie smiles at me. "Welcome to the family, Claire. I have dreamed of that moment, and I can't wait to see you two get married." Queenie smiles.

Smiling, "Thank you." I tell her showing her the ring her smile forming big.

"Perfect fit." Queenie smiles kissing my cheek.

Smiling I hug Owen before letting Hattie hug her family as I smile. I take and move to my own talking to them. This was going to be a long battle, but I knew as long as we had our families. Nothing would stop us. Nothing would defeat us. We would stand as one.

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