𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚊 𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚔

Start from the beginning

"If we won, we could make any kind of video of them we wanted to put on Wilbur's Youtube channel. If we lost, vice versa. I didn't know they would do this," he sighed.

"Why would you make a bet like that?" I exclaimed.

"You can't expect to win when Rose is in the other team and she's the master baker!"

"How was I supposed to know that?" he replied angrily.

I looked over to see Wilbur holding up a phone alongside Rose.

"The children are fighting," he said to the camera.

Tommy and I glared at them. Tommy walked over and smacked the phone out of Wilbur's hand. It clattered to the floor.

"What was that for?" Wilbur cried.

"We are not children! I am older than Rose!" he replied.

"You are, but she is way more mature," Wilbur explained.

"What about me?" I piped in.

"You're literally the youngest person in this house. You're the most child," Wilbur told me.

"I'm the 'most child?' That doesn't even make sense!" I protested.

He just shrugged.

"Why do you have to do this for a video? Why can't we just do a video of us singing a song or something?" I asked.

"We could, but Tommy would have to sing too. Like for real sing, not just his one where he's yelling and singing," Wilbur offered.

I looked at Tommy hopefully. He rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Can I take the sign off now?"

"No," Wilbur answered. "Do any of you have any suggestions?"

"I have one!" I called. "Can you play Line Without a Hook on the guitar?"

"Sure! That's a pretty good song," Wilbur agreed.

"I could probably do some of the chords if there's an extra guitar," Rose told him.

I almost forgot that she'd been practicing guitar over this past year.

"Alright," Wilbur said, standing up.

He got two guitars down and handed one to Rose.

"Let me set the camera up. I think I'll call this video 'singing with children"," Wilbur decided.

We started singing. Tommy sang very quietly.

"I cannot hear you at all," I said in a british accent, quoting Tommy.

He shook his head and sang the tiniest bit louder. He wasn't that bad. I sang along and Wilbur joined in for the chorus.

"I broke all my bones the day I found you, crying at the lake."

Tommy paused and looked up. "It was actually the ocean."

"What?" I asked.

"You were crying at the ocean. Because you were moving," he explained quickly.

I nodded and went back to singing.

We ended the song.

"That was really good," Rose commented.

We ended the video. I smiled.

"Tommy, you're actually really good!" I complimented him. "You should sing like that more often."

"I would, but I get nervous that people will make fun of me for my real singing," he admitted.

"Why? They have nothing to make fun of," I said, reaching over and ruffling his hair.

From there, we hung out until lunch.

"I'm pretty hungry," Wilbur said.

"Where should we go for lunch?" Tommy asked us.

"Subway!" I exclaimed.

"Why Subway?" he asked.

"I like Subway," I answered.

"Sounds good," he shrugged.

We drove there in Wilbur's car.

"You know what?" I asked everyone.

"What?" they asked back.

"I'm gonna order my food in a British accent!"

"Why would you do that?" Wilbur asked, trying not to laugh.

"I'm self conscious about my American accent because I am surrounded by people with different accents than me," I told them.

"At least you don't have a southern accent. You've somehow made it almost a year without getting an accent while being surrounded by it," Rose brought up.

"True. It's because I swore on Tommy that I wouldn't get a southern accent," I reminded her.

"Before you decide to do that, we need to hear your accent. We can't have you ordering food with a terrible fake accent. Here. Say 'I would like a sandwich, please," Tommy advised.

"I would like a sandwich, please," I repeated.

"That was pretty good. Now say, 'I would also like to kiss Tommy'."

"I would also... No!" I cried.

"Worth a try," he shrugged.

We got out and we ordered our food. I did mine in a British accent. I must've done alright because nobody looked at me weird. Rose ordered regularly. We got our food and sat at a table.

"I'm pretty excited for the dance tomorrow," I said.

"Me too," Rose agreed.

We talked about it and eventually went back to the rental house.

a/n: Thanku so much for all the SBH one support! 28 in tommyinnitxreader! remember to vote my story bc it helps a lot! Again thanku for all the support!!! 🥺🥺

Spring Break // Helpless IIWhere stories live. Discover now