"Okay." The first firguire says her voice cracking on a sob.

"Tell her I love her." He says finally.

"He says he loves you." The third figure says.

"Where is he?" The first figuire asks turning around and facing the ghost directly.

"Right in front of you." The third figuire says.

"I will never stop loving you. I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. I'll never forget you..." She stops speaking when she starts choking on her sobs. The ghost starts to repond, and the second figuire who must also be able to see ghost starts to repeat what the ghost is saying to the first figure. But I can't hear them that well and the third figuire has started to walk away. I follow her making sure to be as quiet as I can. I don't know if they'll be able to hear me or not, so I figuire it's best just to try and stay incognito. 

A light starts to grow from her palms and then spread along the trees, exactly like the light that had been along Claire's kitchen. But she didn't even say the prayer like I had too. Soon it become blindingly light and I shut my eyes. I can also feel the warmth of it. I hear the ghost say a goodbye and I open my eyes. I watch as he walks towards the light and turns back towards the first figuire who I can see pretty clearly now. She has bright blonde hair, and her light jacket is torn. I also notice she is wearing leg warmers. The kind that were popular in the eighties. 

 Am I in the eighties? I wonder looking at what the boy is wearing, and it also resembles something you would see from the eighties. Finally I look toward the last figuire, the third figuire. She is wearing a more subtle outfit jeans and a jacket as well. It's not her outfit that catches me off gaurd though. Finally with the light that she produced I can see who it is. And I almost fall backwards from pure shock. But before I can the light dissenegrates and instead a black, redish glow takes it place. My face starts buring hotter than before. My hand raises to cover my face. Fowl, horrible, agonizing screams eminate from where the light had just been.

I watch in horror as the redish glow shrinks and forms a circle before swallowing the ghost that had just been standing there. I screech as loud as an explosion rings in my ear for a split second before silence.

What did my mom just do? 

Suddenly the blonde girl is screaming at the third figuire, my mom. My mom, the third figure is my mom. And from the looks of it she just sent a ghost to hell. Why would she do that?

Then the shock sinks in and I stumble backwards, "Oh my god." I mutter. All the figures stop screaming and look right at me. That can't be good, I think to myself and quickly get up and start running in the opposite direction as them.

Suddenly I'm landing on the floor of Tristans room.

"Did you see that?" I ask Tristan, having a very strong feeling he didn't.

"See you just fall on the floor for no reason? Yeah." He laughs at me and I quickly stand up. I flip through the book, it's a lot of journal entry's along with what look like prayers or even spells. The handwriting is most defianatly our moms.

"Tristan do you know where Lucius is?" I ask frantically.

"I saw him leave after I found the book. He was walking in the backyard." He says.

"We need to go find him. Do you think you could lead me in the direction he went?" I ask shutting the book and pulling Tristan out of his room and down the stairs towards our front door. 

"Yeah I think so." He says as I put my old ratty combat books over top of my sweatpants. Tristan follows my lead and throws his sneakers on.

I open the door and he heads out I hand him the journal and he walks around the house to the backyard. He starts walking towards the trail in the wood, but not the one leading to the lake. Another one that I don't walk. Although I seem skeptical of where he is taking me I don't question it. We walk a couple more minutes in silent before I hear voices. I pick up my pace, knowing one of them is Lucius.

Tristan and I break into a full out sprint and we come to the top of a hill where the trees seperate and continue is a semi circle around a small cemetery.

"So I'm giving you the choice, you can leave now or you can be sent back to hell." I hear Lucius yell at Collin.

"You can't send me to hell." Collin says with a laugh walking away from Lucius. Actually maybe I can. I think to myself before trying to channel the energy I had when Claire had died. I don't need to say any prayer, I just think about it and concentrate on it, like I would if I was trying to block my thoughts from Lucius. Right when the light starts to eminate from my palms I send it across the cemetery in front of 
Collin. And just like my mom had in the vision I think about it turning to hell and the ground starts to shae. Forming a crack in the ground in front of collin. And just like that there is a portal straight to hell in the cemetery. The wind starts to whip and the sky had become a few shades darker over the cemetery. Screeches of devils and monsters eminate from the hole and it takes all of me to keep it open.

Collin backs up towards Lucius, but I focus on the portal to hell and as easy as I had opened it. I close it and the cemetery goes silent. I glance at Tristan and his eyes are a little wider than usual, but he doesn't look scared, just curious. 

"That's what will happen to you." I call down to Collin.

"Now you can stay and be torutured for the rest of eternity, or you can escape." I say in a powerful voice that sounds more confident than I feel. Collin looks between Luicius and I before walking towards the woods. Before he enters them he turns back around to face me.

"Goodluck fighting Semiazas, it's about time someone takes him." He says, almost sounding as genuine as the first night I had met him. Tristan, Luscius and I all watch as he disappears into the trees.


AN: So this is Mandy's view of what happened while Lucius had that little chat with Collin. 


okay I don't really want to babble on for forever and I don't really know what to say so vote if you enjoyed this chapter? And get excited cuz the book is almost finished. sorry this chapter is on the shorter end as well. REMEMBER THESE ARE EXTREMELEY ROUGH COPIES.

Honsetly I got this chapter out a lot faster than I thought I would. SO SAVOR THE SPEEDY UPDATE CUZ IDK IF ITLL HAPPEN AGAIN. & I"M UPDATING AT 11:30 AT NIGHT ON A SATURDAY BECAUSE I HAVE NO LIFE. 

Follow my instagram and twitter if you want... insta: @shelbydepp twitter: @shelby3599

okay that's enough plugging for one day.


PEACE OUT DUCKLINGS *insert peace sign here*


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