Let's break up

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Tine's Pov

We were gathered for dinner around the lawn area where the food was served. Mil hadn't talked to me since our fight in the noon and now I was angry and hungry both, so I thought to eat and then spare myself from all the idiotic events and get a good sleep. 

After dinner, I decided to take a walk in the lawn behind the hotel as it was a moon night and wind was still too soft and fresh to miss out. Inside the garden area, there were already a lot of students present. Some were talking, some were making out, some were lying drunk. I tried to get myself at the most aloof corner while seeing them all enjoying their events.

If I were being honest, I wanted it too you know. This freedom. This liberty of doing what I want, not what I should. I wanted to forget everything, my insecurities, my boyfriend, my family, my stupid little Tine that was acting weird since morning and my fucking mind. I just wanted to be free of everything that controlled me. I wanted for once, to feel the courage that I could only dream of.

I felt like crying but before I could do that in peace, I heard a soft twiddling of leaves behind me and I saw an apparition coming towards me. I instantly stood up and I almost fainted of fear when I realised it was a human figure.

"Teepakorn?" The voice said.

Okay, may be passing out was a better idea.

"Sarawat, right?" I said like I didn't think of his name for the whole day.

He nodded with a smirk on his face.

My eyes widened when I saw his upper body was naked and very much sodden like he just had come out of the lake on the other side of the cottage.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a low voice and I knew, I knew it was just a fucking general question but something about his existence is so frustratingly temptuous that I feel pain of not being those water drops or something even closer to his body.

"I- I need to go", I said before my member down there start doing its work.

I turned back but just then, he stopped me by holding my wrist with his wet but very warm fingers. I felt my whole body was on fire. It was absurd. No human or non human or any form of living had made me feel that way before. It was like I was not just an ordinary young man but a supernova exploding into thousand little stars with intensity of hundred suns that reflected in his eyes. He was very bright.

I considered for a moment in the afternoon that I might be attracted to this man but God! Who was I kidding?


What I felt was if anything, a visceral pain of not being able to crawl under his skin or not being able to be touched by those godlike fingers until I melted and became a part of him. I was stupid but not that much to call it a simple attraction. He was dangerous, a threat to my well organised life and no, I wouldn't let a man I hardly knew to come and create a disorder that I was too afraid to get addicted to. 

It's not like it was just his body that drove me crazy. There was this thing about his eyes too. The way they were so gentle when looking into mine, like he wanted to read me. Like he knew I wanted someone to read me. It was strange the way I felt when he looked at me for the first time. I got goosebumps real hard. I felt for the first time in very long, that I was looked at. That I was not invisible. Like I existed so powerfully that I could hold that gaze into mine and not fade into thin air out of immense emotional outburst.

And his goddamn smile. How could he be so hot with a dominance oozing out of his aura and yet, brimming with gentleness of a soft baby. Did everyone feel this way when he looked into their eyes? Did he give this smile to everybody he met? Why was he making me feel things I was too mesmerised to interpret. 

But I did interpret the smirk on his lethal lips. He knew it. He knew it all too well and I knew it too well too, that he was not letting me go this time. Literally, I mean. He came closer and softly put his thumb under my chin and said, "Don't look at me like that Teepakorn. You don't know who you are playing with."

I closed my eyes but I knew he must be smirking when he left me astonished and flushed. I touched my chin in an impulse and tried to feel his lingering touch. I was getting obsessed with him. I knew this trip was dangerous.

So for my own good, I made a plan to go and do whatever it takes to make up with Mil for he was my boyfriend. Surely, we did not love each other but how long does it take for admiration of turn into love? Moreover, he was not fire. He was ice. Cold but steady. I could not afford chaos in my life. This sexual tension and extremely mysterious flirting was not what suited me. I couldn't afford this. Yes, I decided. I'll make up with Mil which in another way, meant after having sex with him, I'll tell him I needed to return Bangkok tonight and I'll leave. Pretending this crazy day never came in my life. Pretending I never met Sarawat who pulled all the invisible strings of my heart and caused a stir in my mind and body.

However, of course my plan failed. I saw Mil sitting in my room and before I could say a thing, he showed me a picture of Sarawat holding my chin and he smashed the phone into pieces.

"Let's break up Tine. You never knew how to be grateful for all that I did."

He walked past me and opened the door,
"Leave tonight for Bangkok. I don't wanna see your fucking face."


A/N: Do you think the story is moving too fast? Let me know your opinions.

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