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Tine's Pov

I was back to my room after the embarrassing phiasco and no I had no will left to read or find Mil. It's not like I could go for either, considering the know..down there.

I was also tired so I took a long shower and after a few minutes of me trying to sleep, I heard Mil barge into the room, asking me to come downstairs for some well, fun! Haha, he was funny. Not literally though.

I missed my friends. What was I even doing on this boring trip.

Nevertheless, I got up begrudgingly, and went with him down the road towards the market where everyone was already there. He introduced me to some of his friends and amongst them, I immediately liked Man, the funniest of them all. He was really modest unlike his other friends and he noticed that I was a little bored so he offered to company me while Mil was busy with his friends. Now I knew I was being unreasonable, but I didn't like the way he was clinging a little too much on one of his friends. I didn't want to pressure my little brain and so I agreed to take a walk with Man.

We went to a small shop of flowers because he had to buy for his boyfriend who he had brought to the trip. He was sweet, I knew the way he talked about Type, his partner. I realised it was better to hang out with Man than Mil's other friends and so I pleaded him to stick me with him wherever he goes.

"Introvert?" He asked with a polite smile.
I sighed, "well, you can say that."

We were about to leave when as we turned, my head collided into another head and it took me everything to not curse because I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm so sor..." I stopped or rather was stopped when I saw the face in front of my eyes.

It was him, the dangerous guy.

"Hey Wat, this is Tine Teepakorn and Tine, he's Sarawat. He's my best friend." 

"H-hi?" I said hesitantly.

Okay but why were my hands shaking, my lips quavering, my heart somersaulting and my stomach fluttering like I was a thirteen year old girl having crush on her thirty year old mathematics teacher.
Except thirteen year old girls must not feel the sensation that is almost building up under my pants.

"Fuck!" I said and squeezed my eyes too tightly to let any wrong thought intrude my pure brain.

Pure brain? Who was I kidding?

"Excuse right now?" The dangerous guy said with a smirk on his face, making me blush like I was not a human but a beetroot.

The problem was that he was smokingly hot and I was pathetically transparent.
Or may be, the problem was that I had a boyfrie...

No no no. Shut up Tine. You need to find Mil right now.

I ran from there hysterically, trying to search for Mil and at last I found him, standing with mates. I went to him and took his hands in an almost urgency and dragged him away from the crowd. We ended up near a stall that was not surrounded by many people and so I did what I wanted, no needed to do. I grabbed his collar and kissed him. He was surprised since it was rare of me to initiate but then he started responding too with the same intensity. I tried to brush off the dangerous guy's picture from my head.

" right now?" The words kept repeating in my head like an erotic movie I was too afraid to watch but still craved it too much for my own good.

I was brought back to my boyfriend (I said that again and again in my head), when Mil slid his fingers inside my shirt.

I hated the fact that even kissing my boyfriend aggressively is not igniting the spark that looking at that asshole's face is igniting. What was that feeling? Why did I never feel it before? And why must I feel it now, when I'm very much happy in a smooth relationship.

Am I?

The thoughts clouded my head so badly I felt I'd faint so before I did, I got away from Mil who was disappointed with the loss of intimacy that we were sharing apparently because suddenly I missed my boyfriend so much as I told him. I felt guilty as I realised the kiss had turned him on and I had to reject him again.

He tried to unbutton my shirt when I stopped him quickly.

"Mil we are in public," I said.

"Let's go to your room then." He said.

"Baby, listen."

"No you listen, it's been four months already Tine." He was nearly pleading and I felt like crying for giving him a hard time.

In any case, I realised we had to go somewhere private even for the kind of conversation we were (I hope not) going to have.

As I opened my room, he started unbuttoning my shirt and I tried my best to remain calm and talk to him.

"Mil stop it!" I shouted when he kept ignoring my words and no I didn't regret ruining the moment but I did regret humiliating him like that.

"Fuck you!" He said, looking angrier than ever and stormed outside the room.

I sat there for half an hour, trying to think rationally when I heard a knock on the door. I got up abruptly thinking it must be Mil, returning to forgive me but it was Man instead, looking a little uncomfortable yet considerate while asking to come in.

I knew I couldn't possibly talk to my friends at the moment so I decided to talk a little to Man for he seemed trustworthy.

"I'm sorry but I kind of felt something was wrong between you two." He said apologetically.

"It's okay." I said smiling.

"We just had an argument. He'll be fine."

"But will you be fine?" He asked.

I stayed silent. I could never get fine after we quarreled for this reason.

"Is physical intimacy that important in a relationship?" I asked him as I felt my eyes burning.

He looked a little startled by the unexpected question but he nodded anyway.

"It is quite important for its a way to express your love too but only if both the partners are okay with it."

I could only pay attention to the word love.
Did I love Mil? Did he love me?


A/N : Hey lovelies! What do you think of Sarawat?

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