Chapter Four: Start of Something Spectacular

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Margot Labonne

Sometimes having a twin is the most convenient and wonderful thing in the world, but other times it actually sucks.

Right now is one of those moments where I want to throw my twin out the window of the plane we were riding.

"Margot!" my twin sister Eloise says, "Please stop tapping!"

I glare at her, "You know I can't."

"It's really annoying and I'd appreciate if you'd stop."

"I have OCD, Eloise, you can't just expect me to stop. I have to it another five times - ugh! You just don't understand."

Eloise rolls her eyes, "You've been using that excuse for, like, ten years."

"It's not an excuse! I have a mental disorder-"

"Oh my god," my twin mutters, "Please stop talking."

"Eloise!" I protest.

She puts her headphones in and I know she doesn't want to talk anymore. I did the exact same thing when I was annoyed or didn't feel like communicating with other humans.

I loved Eloise. I mean who wouldn't love their womb-mate? But, sometimes we just didn't understand eachother.

"I need to pee," I state as I stand up.

"Holy shit," Eloise mumbles, "You peed before we got on the plane! The ride isn't even that long. Can't you hold it until we get to New York?"

"God dammit, Eloise! I just need to pee!"

She groans and tucks her legs in so I can pass her.

"Thank you," I say.

A few minutes later I scoot back between my twin's legs and the seat in front of her back to my own chair.

I pull out my own phone, plug in my headphones, and begin to listen to my own music.


"Margot! Margot!" I feel someone shaking my shoulder.

"Hmmm?" I grunt.

"Dude, the plane is landing. Wake up."

My eyes open and I realize that I had fallen asleep.

"How long was I out?" I ask my twin.

"The whole ride besides those first ten minutes when you listened to the safety regulations and then went pee."

"Really?" I question, surprised.

My twin gives me a weird look, but then shakes her head and returns to packing things back into her carry-on bag.

The plane lands, we grab our bags, and head into the airport.

As we enter the airport, my twin and I walk past a group of guys around our age.

"Damn," I hear one say, "That blonde one is fine as fuck."

"Nah man," another one says, "The brunette's ass is poppin. I'd like to hit that."

"Do you think they'd be into a threesome?" another pipes in.

I try to ignore their rude comments, but I snap when one catcalls us and yells, "Hey ladies! I can hook you up with the best ride of your life tonight!"

"Hold my bag," I mutter to my sister as I approach the group of guys.

"Hey, sexy-" one says to me, but he is interrupted by me walking right up to him and slapping him across the face.

He looks shocked as I pull my hand away.

"You are absolutely disgusting," I state angrily, "Treating women like they're nothing. Judging them on their looks. Guys like you make me fucking sick. You're all perverted assholes, that will someday be incarcerated for sex offenses. I feel horrible for any woman stupid enough to fall for pricks like you."

And with that I storm off, grabbing my bag, and looping my arm around my sister's.

"They're staring at you," she whispers.

"Good. I hope when they look at me they see flames, just like the fire that they will burn in when they are sent to hell," I spat.

"You are scary when you are angry. But scary in the best way possible."

"Thank you very much," I grin, satisfied with the work I had done.


My sister and I make our way over to a café for two reasons:
1. I was thirsty.
2. Eloise thought that if I sat down for a few minutes, I would stop muttering things about how men are the scum of Earth.

We sit at the bar next to two girls talking to eachother, laughing every once and awhile.

"Can I get a lemonade? " I ask the bar tender.

"And a pita bread sandwich for me," my twin adds.

"Shut the fuck up," a blonde girl who was sitting next to us says as she turns to face me and my sister.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"This is so fucking insane, Delilah," the blonde girl says to the other girl, a brunette.

"Tell me about it," Delilah agrees.

"Excuse me?" I ask, even more confused.

"Okay," the blonde girl says, "I came and ordered a lemonade and a pita bread sandwich. Then, Delilah here ordered a lemonade and a pita bread sandwich and then you two literally order a lemonade and a pita bread sandwich. Like that's some crazy shit isn't it?"

I can't help but laugh at the blonde's enthusiasm.

"I'm Sloane, by the way," the blonde says.

"Margot," I reply, "And this is Eloise, my twin."

"You guys are twins?" Sloane says, mouth agape.

I laugh, "We are."

"I always thought it would be cool to have a twin, y'know. Like wear matching clothes and then switch places like in Parent Trap."

"In the movie they're identical twins," Delilah pipes in, "And Margot and Eloise are clearly fraternal."

"Well duh, I'm not stupid. Margot is taller and blonder."

"I'm not even blonde," Eloise laughs as she points to her brown hair.

The four of us begin to talk and I start to realize that Delilah and Sloane are some pretty cool people.

"So how long are you guys here in New York? Sloane asks me and my twin.

"Two weeks," Eloise says.

"No fucking way. Me too!" Sloane says excitedly, "This is some weird ass shit."

I nod in agreement.

"Maybe it was meant to be," I say in wonder, "Like maybe we were all supposed to cross paths and become friends."

"Oh my god," Eloise mutters, "You need to delete your horoscope app."

"Margot, I think you have a point," Delilah says, "It cannot be a coincidence that we all met today."

"This has to be the start of something," I say, "Something fucking spectacular."


Hey everyone! I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm really hoping that this story will pick up speed soon. I really want to get through these introductory chapters and into some adventure! I'm really happy with the feedback I've gotten about this story and the fact that it already has nearly 100 reads. I'm really proud of this story and where it is going, so I'd really appreciate if y'all did the following:


tysm for reading. xoxo

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