Chapter 6

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Lizzie was doing her day-to-day jobs, washing, cleaning, just catching up on everything one morning when her phone rang, she had thought it might have been Bucky. She'd been thinking about him quite a bit over the past couple of days. However when she picked the phone up the withheld number made her doubt it was him. Against her better judgment she picked up the phone and answered. "Hello."

"Your boyfriend sure knows how to cause trouble." Said a familiar voice.


"You need to go help those two deal with the fallout from all this."

Lizzie went quiet, how the hell was she meant to help them. This wasn't her world. She was a doctor, not an avenger.

"You still there?"

"I'm here. Nick I'm not an avenger, I have never done or trained for this kind of thing how am I meant to help? Isn't there someone else?" She was vaguely aware that she sounded like bleating lamb, but she didn't see how she could do anything.

"I know, but just go and be the reasonable one. Stop them from acting without thinking about what the rest of the world is seeing and thinking. There needs to be one sensible person there."

Lizzie sighed. Well he wasn't asking her to fight, that was something and she wasn't dumb she knew that the more trouble they coursed the easier they would be to find. "Ok, but how the hell am I getting to wherever it is, they are?"

"There's a car outside waiting for you. You best pack a bag."

"Hang on, how did you know I would agree to go?"

"You're a Rogers, that's what you do."

She laughed as she hung up the phone. She looked out the front window and saw the blacked-out car. She threw a few things into a bag and headed to the car.


As she landed and got off the jet, she headed towards the car waiting for her. A blonde woman got out and walked towards her, Lizzie recognised her, it was her cousin Sharon. She gave her a hug.

"I knew he could get you here." Sharon stated, with a smile.

"You know Nick?"

"Of course, he was my boss. I made a call. Your boy is here causing trouble."

"How much did Nick tell you exactly?" Though Sharon was her cousin and did understand the kind of life Bucky and Sam lead she wasn't exactly close with the woman and wasn't sure that she liked her knowing too much about her and Bucky especially as they had only just become a couple.

They had chatted casually during the car journey and from the sounds of it Nick hadn't really said much at all which put Lizzie at ease a little. Sharon had told her that she would be staying with her and that she would be heading out pretty much straight away to find the troublemakers. "Just make yourself at home I won't be overly long."

Lizzie was settling into the room Sharon had shown her to. She had been pretty shocked when she had seen the size of the place and Sharon had just laughed and had told her she had been lucky and bought it before the area's prices went sky high. It had depressed Lizzie slightly when she realised that her home living room and kitchen could fit into the room, she'd be sleeping in.

She headed over to the window and looked out over the Cityscape her arms wrapping around her waist. She felt completely out of place here and the sooner all this was done with and she could go home the better. Sharon arrived back with Bucky, Sam and another man Lizzie didn't know around two hours later.

Bucky looked her up and down, then pulled her into a hug. "How are you here?"

"Well it's nice to see you too, soldier." Lizzie said with a smile as she looked up at him.

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