Chapter 2

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A few months later, Lizzie had fallen into some sort of routine. She had her job, she enjoyed nights out with friends and had started seeing someone, nothing serious and she wasn't sure she ever wanted it to be, but Dan seemed like a nice guy.

She had spoken with Sam once or twice on the phone, more often or then not he would text her to check in. Bucky was a different story, he tended to call her at least once a day, and more than once had come home to him sitting in the garden or on the porch waiting for her. She liked his company and would never admit it to anyone that asked, but he was kinda hot for a 106-year-old man. When she got home that afternoon, Bucky was sitting waiting for her. She gave him a warm smile and opened the door to let them both in. He took his usual place at the kitchen table. She made him and a coffee and handed it to him. He noticed she was carrying a tin.

"What's in the tin?"

She placed it on the table in front of him. She chuckled as he eyed the tin like it might bite him.

"It's a cake. One of my patients' mums brought it in. Would you like a piece?"

He nodded his head at her. He watched how she moved round the kitchen, the shape of her very round arse when she bent down to get the plates out of the cupboard. What he wouldn't give to walk up behind her and... He dug his fingers into his thigh. He needed to stop these thoughts. He would dream about her some nights. Imagined what it would be like just to hold her, but he had to stop, she was Steve's granddaughter, he had promised Steve he would care for her not fuck her.

The sound of the plate being placed down brought his eyes straight up to her. She sat opposite him and started eating her own piece of cake. They chatted for a while, he asked about her work, and she would ask him how his therapy sessions were going. Her attention was taken away from him when her phone beeped.


"Everything ok?"

She grabbed her plate and mug and placed them in the sink. "Yeah, I just didn't realise the time. I'm getting picked up by Dan in 40 minutes."

Bucky nearly dropped the plate and mug he was carrying to the sink. "Who the hell is Dan?!"

"A guy I met at work. He runs the hospital's IT department. My computer broke and he helped me restore everything. He sent me some flowers a few days later and we've been out on a few dates."

"Is it serious? Should I meet him? You know, check him out to make sure he ...." She placed her hand on his arm. It always sent a shiver down his spin.

"Bucky, it's nothing serious. I'm not even sure I want it to be. If it becomes anything more, I will let you know. Then you can do the big bad soldier routine."

"Fine, but he does anything, and I mean anything...."

"I know. Thank you." She kissed his cheek and showed him out.

Bucky waited round the corner; he knew it was strange, but he wanted to see this Dan with his own eyes. A fancy looking car pulled up, he watched a very clean-cut guy in a suit got out of it. He had brought her flowers. Bucky watched silently from the shadows as Dan checked his appearance in his car wing mirror and then made his way to Lizzie's door. He knocked and a few moments later the door opened. Lizzie didn't come out; she took the flowers.

When she did reappear at the door Bucky's jaw nearly hit the floor, she looked amazing. She was in a knee length dress that had a low-cut back that just stopped above her ass, it showed all her curves. He wondered what she was wearing under it, he knew there couldn't be much. He watched as she climbed into the car with him. He followed them on his bike to a very fancy restaurant, clearly this guy was trying to impress her. Maybe make up for something he was lacking or was hoping to get her into bed. He parked his bike up and asked to be seated back at the back of the restaurant, hoping he could hide under his cap and never be seen.

Growing up is optionalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant