
"Yes, werewolves, it was a massacre... A blood bath,"

I have figured that much out, no wonder the cemetery has thousands if not a million graves, it was genocide and I couldn't remember,

"After years of an ongoing war, governments armed their countries, forming an organization they only refer to as W.I.K.D, personally, after hearing the stories, I called them wicked, because that's what they are, The main goal was to try and find a cure, to help the humans who have been bitten, but after a while, they started killing them on sight, they no longer wanted to help. After winning the fight, W.I.K.D took over, world domination, calling the merciless killings, the cleansing, explaining to the remains of the human race that it was necessary until they can maintain the virus," he groaned as he told me this,

"And you don't agree?"

"Bullshit, they weren't working on a cure then or now because... There is no cure... This is just the clash of nature, vampires and werewolf has always been around, even now,"

My heart pounded when said this.

"There- are still a vampire and werewolves... Even after the cleansing?"

"I- I don't know, my uncle was giving me a ride one day and It came in. He had no other choice but to carry me with me to the crime scene.

"And what did you see? "

"A man... His throat was completely bitten out, my uncle is saying it's a bear, but it was one of them, I know it,"

"Sounds like something straight of a comic book,"

"Maybe... Once you remember, it won't be as amusing, terrible if you lost someone," he slowed down, and I finally caught up to him, at the point, my head was spinning, and I was dizzy,

"Hey," he held on to my shoulders as I staggered sideways,

"You look pale, you want to sit down for a minute... I mean I can always call my uncle to come to us..."

I saw Maurice's lips moving, but couldn't hear what he was saying, there was banging in my head as if someone was using my brain as a drum, blinking a few times my eyes traveled from Maurice's fixed grip on my shoulder, up to his neck. It was in my head, that banging... It was Maurice's veins, I stared at it, twitching under his skin, the blood that rushes through was compelling, luring me in... to... Bite him. Leaping on him, he fell to the ground, I was on top of him sinking my teeth into his neck, he didn't scream... Or maybe he couldn't, I had him pinned to the ground, sucking blood from his body. Repeatedly, he gave me a few blows, thumps that have should break a rib, but I didn't feel it, I only knew he was trying to fight back because I saw his hand moving, which stopped after a while.

The more I devour his flesh, the stronger I got, I no longer felt weak. Seeing different faces flash in my head I pulled away, landing on my backside, it was a woman, she was smiling with four kids seated around a dinner table and a... Dog,

Is this... Is this Maurice's family? The one he was telling me about,

Oh my God, I crept backward, away from the body, I killed him, I touched my lips, tasting the blood on the tip of my tongue, I clicked my tongue, who knew blood would be so sweet, like thick maple syrup but with spice, it was like eating sex, it was that good. I- I am one of them, I am one of those... things, Maurice told me about. All he wanted to do was help, and he did help. He saved my life and this is how I repay him, but I didn't want to kill him, I didn't... It's just that I- I was so hungry and after drinking his blood, I felt so... Powerful. Maybe I was the one responsible for the attacks, Maurice said it himself, that after the cleansing, there wasn't any sighting of the critters, but little did he know, that I wasn't just some girl that was buried alive, I was the enemy. Maybe whoever buried me here knew my secret, maybe they were trying to protect everyone if only I could remember.

My ears twitched as the breaking of twigs grew louder, someone was coming. Springing to my feet, I began running through the headstones maze, stones piercing my naked feet, as I tried to my find a way out. Crashing into a wired fence, I glanced over my shoulders, panting in fear as I listened to the pacing footsteps, I didn't anyone emerging from the darkness, and the way I was encircled by the chasing steps, I couldn't tell the direction it was coming from. Looking up at the lofty fence, my head was churning with ideas, and my body was willing to follow. If only I could get a head start, taking a big leap at the fence would allow me to climb over it quickly. Stepping back, I leaped towards the fence but jumped over it instead, landing on the other side firm on my feet like a cat,

"How did I- " I looked back the fence, confused, how was I able to jump over it with such ease, was it an element of being what I am... Who I am? Looking around, there were mostly trees, there was literally nothing else around, only the cemetery, but why was it isolated from the rest of the city, unless... It wasn't always a cemetery, I guess with so many killed during the cleansings, whoever in control, decided to lay them to rest. I am going to find out. I am going to find out who I am and I am going to remember, I thought, jogging to the city lights.

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