“That’s horrible…” he said with a pained expression, “I’m so sorry you had to live by those morals, your whole life… wasn't it lonely?” he asked.

You let out a deep huff of air through your nose and smiled up at him.

“Actually,” you say, “It wasn't. I always had things to do, and my mother barely ever let me leave the house unless it was for school and school events. But she slowly stopped caring, so I eventually just started to do whatever I wanted. She was still just as horrible as she is now. In fact, the beating actually lightened up a bit over time. But I always wanted to avoid them either way, so I always got home before she noticed I was gone. And if I didn't. Well… I alway tried to get home on time,” you mumbled the last part not wanting to remember all the punishment.

    “But, at school….you always seemed so-,” he trailed off slightly but you finished his thought.

    “Happy?” you ask. He nodded and looked awkwardly, “Kirishima…When I came to UA, I told myself that I wouldn’t be a burden...a pest. So I decided that I wouldn't give anyone a reason not to like me. I would be helpful, and kind, and always try to keep people happy. And I did. I had a perfect image. Not one ever would have guessed what was behind closed doors,” you explain. You look up at kirishima and see that he looks sad and obviously feels guilty. He opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it just as fast as it had opened.

    You roll over onto your back and look up at the pleasant pink, letting the small flecks of sunlight dance over you.

    “I wonder…” you mumble, “what do you think it would be like to be a plant?” you ask, reaching your hand up towards the tree's flowers.

    “W-what?” he laughed. You look up at him. 

“Like… you know...a flower...or maybe a tree?” you explained, “If I were a flower, I wouldn't need to worry about anything, but photosynthesis. Not a single thought. Not a single thing to worry about. Well…. Except for maybe bugs eating my leaves,” you smile.

    He lets out another laugh, “Why would you want to be a flower in the first place? Why not some kind of big powerful animal?”

    “Cuz…. plants are cool. Like say….” you look over at the tree trunk to think, “what if I were a tree? I would grow big and tall and strong. Nothing to worry about but watching over the things that are going on below me. I'd gain so much wisdom over the years of my existence. I’d be a home and shelter to so many animals. I’d be their protection, and I could see everything happen, and observe them. It would be amazing. Nothing but freedom, while at the same time having nothing, but knowledge, bnd to the grown by my roots that travel far and deep down into the earth's soil,” you take a minute to breath, and lay your face in your now folded arms, “No one could tell me how to live, and no one could tear be down….unless they were a logger,” you and him both giggle, “I would never be able to disappoint anyone, and I would never have to worry about making a mistake, and being alone wouldn't actually mean being alone...” you trailed off. Your tone getting darker and darker as you once again started to realize the cruel reality you were a part of.

    “Y/n,” he said softly. You looked up as if realizing where you were and sat up.

“O-oh,” you smile awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck, “Sorry, I didn't realize that I was ruining the mood...Sorry… I guess I was just kind of babbling, hu-” you start but you were cut off by Kirishima pulling you into a hug.

    “K-kiri?,” you stuttered out. He held the back of your head with his large hand and held you close.

    “Y/n...you're not alone anymore. I’m here. I’ve been here the whole time,” he said softly, “And I’ll continue to stand by you. Y/n you have no idea how much you mean to me,” he whispered. You were so close to him. You inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. You close your eyes and nuzzle yourself into his shoulder. You felt so safe with him...he was so warm, and his touch was so gentle.

    “Y/n...I understand that it's hard to ask for help. But you don't have to be ashamed of it...I want to be here for you from now on. You can lean on me for support. I will always stand next to you, and I want to be in your life…” he continues, stroking your hair, “I know you think you messed up, and I know you think that you can’t be forgiven. But you can. Nothing that happened to you was your ol fault. You couldn't help it.”

    He pulled away to look at you, holding your face in his hands. He was so close that you could feel his breath. You watched with a blush washing over your face as he put his forehead against yours. 

    “Y/n...I really do like you… I have for the longest time. The day in the classroom, when you dropped your wallet,  I wanted to tell you, but it just didn't work…” he paused, “and… I think you like me back but I-” he trailed off into silence as his lips were pressed together in a straight line and his eyes were closed in frustration. 

    Was this really ok? Is it really ok to be acting this ‘normal’ after everything that had happened. Was it ok to feel like this. Was it ok to be talking like this, as if nothing had happened. Was it ok to feel this calm.

    “Kirishima..I-” you started. You put your hand on his, and he opened his eyes and looked at you. You opened your mouth to say something, “I rea-” you started.

    “Oi!” a voice shouted, and echoed throughout the garden.

Word count: 1694

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