Chapter 13: Les Couleurs Changeantes de la réalité

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There was neither light nor darkness, dimension or space. Aziraphale couldn't process his surroundings because there was and their wasn't anything he was surrounded by. There was then a burst of light which revealed a large library which was covered in emerald green tones in the carpet and on the books. The shelves were made of a rich pigmented wood and were indented with intricate artworks. Just like Heaven's filing cabinets, these bookshelves seemed to move up and out into infinity. There was a spiral staircase that wrapped around the room that had a similar glow and coloring as the grandfather clock from the Titanic. As a puzzled Aziraphale took a look at his environmental a red blur in his peripheral vision caught his eye. He turned to see Crowley sitting at a desk with a pile of unlabeled books reading in a slightly unbuttoned white dress shirt and relaxed beige pants. His hair was fixed into a neat ponytail with a single lock of hair in front of his face. "Crowley? Is that really you?" Crowley bolted up out of his chair knocking it over having it's impact muted by the soft flooring. Aziraphale ran and scooped Crowley into a tight hug and Crowley grasped Aziraphale as tight as he could to his chest. "I thought I had lost you." Aziraphale sobbed as he grabbed Crowley's face and kissed him. Crowley teared up and pulled Aziraphale back to look at him. "I am beyond thankful to see you dear, but seeing you means that you have died. What happened dear?" Aziraphale looked solemnly at Crowley and patted Crowley on the hand. "Let's just say that I had to sacrifice a bit to put someone in their place." Crowley smirked and looked at Aziraphale with his golden eyes. "You made Gabriel fall...didn't you?" Aziraphale both shocked and confused asked "How in the world did you figure that out?" Crowley broke off backwards a smidge and gestured behind him. "Well, um, God told me that might happen." Aziraphale blinked for a moment trying to see if he had heard his revived love correctly. "Excuse me wha-" Aziraphale was interrupted by a floating ball of light appearing in the middle of the room. It was covered in white pieces of cloth that orbited around it horizontally. "Hello Aziraphale." A feminine voice boomed. Aziraphale in horror fell down to his knees and began to worship the light. Crowley casually picked at his nails and looked up at the Lord and gave them a wave. "Aziraphale you have nothing to be afraid of. I shall not harm you." God said in a gentle tone. Aziraphale felt embarrassed and quickly gathered himself off the floor and brushed himself off. "Sorry Lord, you just sort of caught me off guard." The light that hovered above them landed onto the floor and formed into a body with no face or gender. The cloth that originally orbited God now created their hooded robe that drooped over their form. "I am aware that my essence can catch many off guard, this is why I do not show my true form to many, including my angelic workers." The Lord summoned a couple cushioned chairs and a kettle full of tea for the two men to enjoy. "Have a seat you two we have a bit to talk about and I don't have too much time before my next appointment." The two of them sat down gently and took a teacup full of the piping hot drink. The Lord split open the ground to reveal the universe. From the milky way to the nebula Crowley and Aziraphale gazed upon it all, even the parts that they had never seen before. "Many say that I made creation to perfection with no error in sight. Sure, it may have been a large task to create existence but that doesn't mean I made no errors. Instead I made a space and cushion for mistakes and a place that is separate from the other realms. This is why you are here." Aziraphale looked at each other puzzled but back at the galaxy below them. "The two of you were formed with the souls of humans and then were given immortal positions. Though this action was unintentional it did give way to test my workers. The question arose that since humans are naturally greedy, loving, creative, hate-filled beings would you incorporate that into your positions and would it give you an over sense of purpose. Instead it was shown to me that instead of you two being the issue it was rather that Heaven and Hell was the mistake. I decided to not give either side a soul thinking that keep neutral and unbiased." Crowley slurped his tea loudly and said under his breath. "Well that explains a lot." He set his cup down and redirected his attention back to God. "Since neither of you were meant to be in either of the immortal realms I will give you two a choice." This caught both of their attention. "A deal from the All Mighty? This oughta be good!" Crowley said while chuckling under his breath once again. Aziraphale leaned in with anticipation to hear his options. "You may either go back to your realms as the Supreme authorities of your Angel and Demon associates and carry out and facilitate Armageddon in the next coming century. With that option you are allowed to go anywhere you choose so long as you do not see each other." Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged worried glances at one another. "Your other option is a tad more complex. You may exist in one of my cushion realms together cut off from both the human and immortal realms for eternity. You will be supplied with anything you want and need. The only catch is that it will be only the two of you." Aziraphale and Crowley were frozen with their thoughts racing through their options. The All Mighty assumed this would happen so they left to let them discuss and come to a conclusion.

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