Disaster Aftermath

155 11 2

Art not made by me

First short! This is me testing the waters with this whole kind of AU, so sorry if this is messy at all or confuzzling. I haven't seen anything apart from what Tubbo has played so far so apologizes if I get something wrong but please don't yell at me about it. Again, this is just a bunch of shorts, not a full on story though as shorts continue on I might add some actual story lore in if I can think of any. Anyways, take this

Characters in order of Appearance/Mention - Ranboo - Tubbo - Tommy

W A R N I N G S - Mentions of death and fighting, fire, corpses [Very brief, nothing in detail]


Ranboo overlooked the massive destruction before him, embers flickering over his skin barely brushing by it but bringing no pain at all to him when they happened to tap a part of his exposed skin on his arm from his rolled up sleeves. Everything was encased by fire. Everything. Nothing left. The building once bustling with so much joyous or busy focused chatter now drowned out with the roar of the great fire that took up most of the white building and the remaining chunks of what was left of it. He didn't even know how it started. It was a blur, but he swore he could have seen a glimpse of the familiar uniform androids such as himself dawned mixed with the angry yelling of actual humans. Angry humans carrying torches and rioting androids thirsting revenge in such a populated area. Yeah, you could guess how that went down judging by the destruction before him. With a small frown taking his face he slowly lifted one of his hands covered with a black glove in contrast to the white one on his other and pulled down the mask covering the bottom half of his face allowing him to take in a breath of the smoke infested air better. The destruction was the least of his worries though. Gingerly, he lifted his black gloved hand once again and touched where a metal circle usually was with a ring of blue, yellow, or red around it to represent stability or something, most likely so people could keep them in check. Touching his hand to his temple, Ranboo winced slightly in both a grimace and the longer he stood here overlooking the disaster. His own circle had recently gone red, meaning he was a deviant in the eyes of the public and especially the police after the stunt he had pulled that day, and after meeting a peculiar boy he had found the means to remove it. To finally feel emotions outside of what he was ordered to and breathe for the first time since his creation. Which was why he was standing here now instead of trying to leave as soon as possible. 

5, maybe even 6 or 7 hours ago him and the excited boy had run all the way to the mall which wasn't far from where they resided talking about the different items inside of shops and giggling along. Maybe some weird looks and the occasional person looking to pick a fight or shoving him but Ranboo could easily brush it off. He had done so before he had become a deviant, why not continue to do so? People's viewpoints weren't going to change that easily anyways and if they wanted to take their frustration out on androids when they never had a choice in the first place if they wanted to be created or not, then that's fine. They could waste their life that way. His friend always found a way to shoot them a glare anyways which the android was sort of thankful for. Nevertheless though, they had a lot of fun

Sadly, as soon as the destruction had started he had gotten separated from the brunette and could only hope he wasn't any of the poor victims, human and android alike, who had gotten crushed under the rubble, taken by the hungry red flames, or caught in the crossfire of the angry mob of androids and humans screaming match quickly turned violent. He could only feel his frown deepen after he scanned the area from where he stood and couldn't see him at all. Sighing and running a hand through his hair tensely he hopped down from the chunk of rubble he stood on and walked to a different area. Same result, again and again until finally reaching one of the last areas in the destructive chaos. He wished he could forget the horrible sight of burned corpses or the broken pieces of other androids

It was a miracle he was still functioning, though it seemed his hearing was a bit bugged as everything was muffled and a faint static could be heard near the back of his head. "Tubbo?!" Ranboo called out once again, looking around and praying he was somewhere. Ranboo waited a moment in silence with only the faint sound of ringing and the roar of flames to accompany him until he froze. "Ranboo?" It was faint, but it was most definitely Tubbo's voice. He had probably called louder, but because of his scuffed hearing he was glad he heard his name called back to him. Whipping his head around quickly, he dashed towards where he thought he heard his voice before pausing again taking a moment to straighten the black tie around his neck and make sure his sunglasses were still properly covering his eyes in a green and red tint but to also get his bearings. Sighing as he looked around, he walked aimlessly around for a while lifting and checking under rubble until he saw him. Or rather, them. "Get away!" There was a much taller kid, though Ranboo could make him out as younger than Tubbo, standing protectively in front of the brunette in question who was covering his head with his arms near the back of a small little nook made by some collapsed rubble the two must have somehow squeezed into. "I'm not here to-" "To what?! You wanna kill us? Perhaps you'd even like to make this place more of a rubble graveyard than it already is prick!" Ranboo just stared at him a bit, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly before sighing and making a slight eye roll, he was already used to the accusing but for this? Yeah no. 

Attempting to put a hand on the new kid's shoulder, which would usually calm Tubbo down, He was met with a harsh flinch and glare with him swatting his hand away which he retracted and let rest on his knees. Seemed it didn't apply to the blonde. "Get away!" Suddenly, he brandished a knife which he must have found lying around or perhaps he always carried a knife with him for some reason, pointing it towards the android with a dangerous scowl on his face but overwhelming fear in his fiery blue eyes. "I just want to get Tubbo-" "How do you know his name?! More of your android tricks? This is more the reason not to trust you!" Ranboo was frankly debating whether to get annoyed with the blondes' frequent interrupting and head first attitude or continue talking and acting threatening just to tease him. Seems he didn't have to think about the decision though, as soon the brunette sitting behind the loud blonde slowly lifted his head and made eye contact with Ranboo for a few seconds before a relieved look spread across his face and he swatted his friend away from the entrance, much to his yelling of protest and confusion, so he could scoot over. "Are you alright?" Ranboo asked after a moment of sudden silence neither knowing what to say. "Y-yeah. I'm alright." Tubbo said, shooting him a small grin before coughing into his sleeve from the Smokey air hanging overhead. "We should get out of here, c'mon." Ranboo stepped back, allowing Tubbo to leave and waiting a bit longer before peeking his head inside once more to the blonde looking reluctant and unsure. "When I said we, I meant you too. C'mon it's way too hot for anyone to survive here for long, the air is infested in smoke, there's no food or water, and some of the rubble looks highly unstable."


Words - 1,394


I'm also taking requests for any random scenarios [Can be any MCYT, Dreamsmp, Hermitcraft, etc] and suggestions for everyone's main roles [They can be switched around for different scenarios if you'd like too]
Comment or DM me :>

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