chapter 5

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The car ride was… fun, they both pushed out their scents until the air was thick with campfire and pine. So, in all fairness, he should've expected when Dabi got out of the car with him and pressed their mouths together at a familiar pace. But, alas, a surprised gasp escaped his mouth when the raven's arm snaked around his waist and another threaded through his hair for a few heavenly seconds. It ended as quick as it started, lips tinted red from the attack.

"You're an idiot," was all he said before pressing their lips back together for a short, but blissful, second.

"I'm your idiot, kitten." God, why was Bakugou only attracted to dumbasses, first it was Kirishima in the first year, they preferred being friends so it didn't last long, now it's the mysterious Dabi. "Well, I'll be off then. Text me when you wanna come around again, princess." The alpha talked like they actually did something past teasing and snuggling (not that he'd tell anyone, ever).

"Alright, bye, dumbass." Katsuki smirked slightly when Dabi slid back into the car, saying a "bye, kitten" and driving off. 

That left Katsuki standing awkwardly (lovestruck) next to an empty parking slot, wearing the hoodie of an alpha he met ten days ago that he was strangely fond of. Fuck, he was (lovestruck).

Quickly, with a dusting of pink on his cheeks, turned and practically stormed into the UA  main office, drowning in a hoodie that smells heavily of Dabi. He scribbled his signature into the sign-in sheet with way too much force and stomped his way further into the building.

Unfortunately, he only got a meter or so before a shout of "Hey, Bakubro!" came from behind him. Being the poilite fucker he is, he waited.

Kirishima filled his name into the sign-in book before the man could even speak and ran up to Katsuki, panting with his cheeks red and multiple take-out boxes and bags in his hands.

"What do you fucking want, Shitty Hair?" The once hostile nickname has long since turned into a friendlier kind, much to Katsuki's regret.

"Who was that guy?" The redhead asked, making Katsuki raise an eyebrow. "Yaknow! That guy in the car park? With black hair?" When the blonde pretended not to know, he just really wanted to find out how much Kirishima knew, the younger huffed before waving his arms around, "Fine, the one you were going 'Smoochy, Smoochy' with!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes and sank further into the solid black hoodie that Dabi was wearing early that day. "None of your business. Fuck off." He wasn't sure what to call the raven, what were they truly? They weren't 'just friends' or friends with benefits, since friends with benefits don't give each other hoodies that they have scented very thoroughly and snuggle asleep on the other's sofa for five hours.

"Come on, dude! I literally saw you make out with him! And he drove you back here!" Kirishima protested.

"Fine... He's a friend." Katsuki said finally, the message was encoded, but the shark-tooth boy had many-a times understood what he had truly ment.

"Oh My Freaking Goodness! You have A BOYFRIEND!" Unfortunately, this was not true (Dabi is not his boyfriend, most definitely), and the dorms were in earshot.

Ashido burst through the front doors, looking suddenly very determined, with a small gaggle of 3-A students behind her. "He has a WHAT?!" She shouted with glee, eyes starry and focusing completely on Katsuki and Kirishima. Fucking hell, he was not getting out of this pit.

"I don't ha-" Katsuki was cut off by the redhead jumping in front of him and handing the bags of fast food to Shouji who seemed completely uninterested in the conversation, "He DOES! I SAW!" The rest of the Bakusquad rushed out of the doorway, or walked in Jirou and Shinsou's cases.

"What does he look like!?" Kaminari shouted, his finger poking Katsuki's cheek. "What's his name!? I promise I won't stalk him on social media!" "Does he like Spanish food!?" "What's his favourite band?" "Does he like cats? How's his sleep schedule?" He ignored the questions and barged his way to the elevators, everyone else's scents were messing up Dabi's.

The second he got to his room, he locked the door. Katsuki grumbled as he used Dabi's hoodie to scent his nest (or what remained, it wasn't a very good nest). He only stopped when he room started smelling pleasantly of pine and wildflowers. His caramel and spice scent fell into the background.

From his pocket, an incessant buzzing started and only stopped for a second at most.


—are noone gona t alk about BAkus BF?!


—i hope he's  h o t.

—Bakubaby does not deserve a fugly bf


—@Shark Fucker wdhll?

(Shark Fucker)

—he was like kinda tall like 5'10or smth

—and he h ad black hair

—super manly

—and a leather jacket

(Headphone Hater)

—nice to know that Bakugou's dating an alt boy





—Wtf does that even mean?!?

Katsuki always got a bit confused with Tape Face's typing methods, it was always just the first letter of each word smashed together.

(Neko Purple)

—"Like Baku Come Get Your Juice"

—Sero be normal



(Neko Purple)

—no u *Bish*

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