War goddess

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Wonder Woman and Supergirl fly over Metropolis, landing on a rooftop as they gaze up at Brainiac's ship. y/n "Boom tubes" in next to them.

y/n: You would not BELIEVE the day I've had.

Kara takes note of y/n's new armour. Apprehensive because of the gold assailant from her dream.

Supergirl: Gold? But wasn't that like-

y/n: -I didn't make it.

Kara- content with his answer, turns back to the issue at hand.

Supergirl: Where should we start? 

Wonder Woman is in awe.

Supergirl: Diana? We don't have much time!

Wonder Woman: Batman's strategy is all wrong. Delaying our offence is pointless! It's one less hour before Brainiac sends us all to Hades. Saving these people could doom BILLIONS more!

Supergirl: I can hear the people down there...ALL of them. They're afraid, like I was on Krypton when I didn't have these powers. And I look at us and just think... we can give them hope!

Wonder Woman lightly shakes her head, thinking this is hopeless. Down on the streets, more people are being gathered by Betas. As one of the Betas pushes a police officer to go faster, Wonder Woman swoops down and grabs it. Everyone -humans and Betas- are confused.

Wonder Woman:  Up here!

Everyone looks up to see Wonder Woman and Supergirl holding the Beta up. Wonder Woman crushes the Beta's head and drops it. The other Betas fire lasers at the two super-powered women but they dodge them easily. Wonder Woman lands and slices through the other Betas, even using her shield to damage them before the kill. Supergirl joins the fight when Wonder Woman starts to get overwhelmed. When all the Betas are down, the girls look over at the humans...who run away at the sight of them. They had decided to cower behind Nightwing who was fighting the betas off one by one- not having the luxury of superpowers.


Supergirl: Why are they so afraid of us?

Suddenly, a powerful blast hits Supergirl dead-on and blasts her back a fair ways, stunning her. The blaster is held by Cheetah.

Wonder Woman: Minerva!

Chetah: Welcome back, Diana!

Wonder Woman rushes Cheetah, but Cheetah fires, striking the Amazon's shield and sending her into a bar called the Ace O' Clubs. Wonder Woman groans as she gets up. The barkeep holds a shotgun at Wonder Woman...then turns when he hears someone at the door. The door handle jiggles... and then freezes... along with the entire door! The door explodes and the barkeep hides. Suddenly, a super-fast man runs around and around Diana, punching her face hard several times. In walks Captain Cold, gun ready.

Captain cold: You're heart's so COLD, Wonder Woman. Let's put you on ice!

The other human runs to Cold's side, showing himself to be Reverse-Flash. Wonder Woman gets to her feet. Cold blasts her, but she uses her bracelets to deflect the beam to freeze Reverse-Flash.

Captain cold: Nice rope-a-dope.

Wonder Woman: Give up your code of honor, Snart? Why lower yourself to work with Grodd?

Captain cold: You're not so "pure", Amazon! You... you "executed" Golden Glider! She was my sister!

Wonder Woman: A sister YOU led into a life of crime! SHE paid for YOUR mistakes!

The injustice of it all (Male reader x Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now