Bane: I told Grodd you were loyal to the Bat. He called me..."paranoid". At least he listened when I said Batman wouldn't reliquish his Cave so easily. Soon, not just this place, but all of Gotham will be MINE!

y/n: I've avoided fighting Nacho Libre over there this entire time, it's my turn.

Nightwing runs at Bane and leaps gracefully Ito the air- Bane grabs his ankle and throws the young bat into the wall. Knocking him out

(A/N: He gets knocked out cause he hits stuff on the way down like this

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(A/N: He gets knocked out cause he hits stuff on the way down like this.)

Cyborg: That went well.

Catwoman: Ok... now I got business with Bane.

Cyborg raises his shield and charges at Deadshot, who keeps firing into the shield as they move away.

Bane: Of all the ways to torment the Bat, hurting you and your son is one of my favourites.

Catwoman: Yet, you've never broken us!

Bane tries to, literally, rectify that. It's closer than one would think, but Catwoman's agility and tenacity just BARELY edge out Bane's brutal tactics.

Catwoman: Was that as fun for you as it was for me?

Cyborg, having pacified Deadshot for a minute, rejoins Catwoman.

Catwoman: Ready to meet Brother Eye?

Cyborg: About damn time! 

They walk to the main console, it monitors still covered with Brainiac's logo. y/n- now awake, limps over.

Catwoman: Are you ok n/n?

Cyborg: n/n?

Catwoman and Nightwing both shoot him glares.

y/n: I'll shake it off, it just my bones; my muscles and my organs.

Cyborg: System's still running. Brother Eye needs a clean power source... something Brainiac can't touch.

Catwoman: The Cave's got backup generators.

Cyborg: That should do it.

Just then, the monitors turn into the face of Brainiac.

Brainiac: Victor Stone. The pinnacle of human evolution.

Catwoman: SOMEONE has a secret admirer.

Brainiac: But your humanity inhibits your true potential. You must PURGE it.

Cyborg: Interesting thought. Just one problem: I'm a team player. And humanity? That's my team.

Brainiac: But you are capable of so much more.

A purple beam shoots out of a monitor's "eye" and strikes Cyborg. As he screams, he goes to one knee and groans. Suddenly, it's as if a copy of the mechanics of his cybernetic body is literally tearing itself out of Cyborg's body. When it's done, an all-robot version of Cyborg appears.

y/n: Oh shit it's the terminator...

Grid: Grid online. I am your vast intellect, liberated from the weaknesses of flesh and emotion.

Cyborg: Apparently liberated from my good looks and charm, too.

y/n:  Backup generators are down that tunnel. I'LL handle the gamecube.

Cyborg runs off with Catwoman in tow.

Grid: No aspect of Victor Stone's knowledge is unknown to me. Including the most efficient way to kill you, y/n Wayne

y/n: Nice to know Cyborg thinks of me that way.

While Grid may have all of Cyborg's memories and powers, what he DOESN'T have is the dynamic thinking of a human. All science, no philosophy. Grid can't keep up with Nightwing's swiftness and unpredictability. When it's over, Grid is offline.

Catwoman: Copycat!

y/n: Jesus!

Cyborg runs back from the tunnel and rejoins Catwoman an y/n.

Catwoman: You did good n/n.

Cyborg: Yeah, thanks for kicking my other ass. Power's officially on backup.

The three head for Brother Eye.

Cyborg approaches Brother Eye and inserts his connection spike into it. Tapping a few keys with his free hand, he works on cleaning the computer of Brainiac.

Brainiac: No human -not even YOU- can gain control of my neural network.

Cyborg: Not trying to. Just teaching Brother Eye to ignore you!

Cyborg's mechanical eye starts to flash as he works hard to fight against Brainiac's functions. Brainiac starts to falter.

Brainiac: This minor success...will you...

Soon Brother Eye is back online; Brainiac cannot hack it again.

Brother eye: Brother Eye is online.

Catwoman: Welcome back.

Brother Eye: Thank you, Ms. Kyle. 

High-pitched alarms go off throughout the facility.

Brother Eye: Warning! Victor Stone has infiltrated the Batcave! Deploying countermeasures! 

Brother Eye brings out a rocket launcher as Cyborg readies his cannon-arm

y/n: Defense system override! Authorization LK-4D4!

Brother Eye: System administrator y/n Wayne. Retinal verification required. 

It scans Nightwing's eye, then retracts rocket launcher

Brother Eye: Indentity confirmed. Standing down. 

Catwoman: Brother Eye, bring geo-sync comms online.

Brother Eye does so, showing the poisitions of Batman, Flash, Firestorm, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Blue Beetle and Black Canary.)

Catwoman: Bruce, the comms are yours.

Batman is flying over Gotham in the Batwing.

Batman: Copy. Brother Eye, broadcast on the old Justice League band.

Brother Eye: Broadcasting.

Batman: We're back online, everyone. We have one hour to evacuate civilians before we engage Brainiac and the fleet.

Batman flies off to start the evac of Gotham.

y/n: I don't suppose you could take me somewhere could you Zordon?

Cyborg sighs exasperatedly.

Cyborg: Fine.

The injustice of it all (Male reader x Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now