Karma For Infidelity

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xvintagefatcow (Royaledemon23): ok so au prompt where darington and pickle dated speedrick in highschool, and he dated them at the same time without them knowing and they found out and got revenge and support from friends

"ARGH!" Pickle growled as he separated himself from the group.

"Hey, Pickle," Darington greeted him. "Why so mad?"

"Guess who's here?" Pickle gritted his teeth, glaring back at a certain person at the group.

Darington was confused until he passed the green truck to check. He narrowed his eyes at their friends before his eyes widened in horror.

"Oh no..."

"Yep." Pickle hissed. "It's... HIM."

"Speedrick." Darington glared at the monster machine-turned race car. "What the hell is he doing here?!"

"Blaze and AJ befriended him," Pickle sighed.

"Of COURSE B would do that," Darington groaned. "He befriends anyone and everyone, even when they don't deserve it,"

"What's up with you two?" Crusher asked, driving from behind them before looking up at the group. "And who the hell is that?"

"Speedrick." Pickle was gritting his teeth as he spat out the name. "Our... ex,"

"Oh, I see--- wait, 'our'?" Crusher glanced at him then turned to Darington. "You too?"

"Unfortunately." Darington frowned. "He was a complete ass."

"Huh, isn't this an interesting tale for you two to tell," Crusher chuckled.

"Maybe later," Pickle waved him off and turned away. "I can't STAND at least SEEING that bitch,"

"Me neither," Darington shook his head and turned to follow the other. "We'll be at the garage if anyone needs us,"

Crusher frowned as he watched the two take their leave. He turned back to the group, watching as Speedrick began flirting with Watts. He snorted.

"Oh, I'm starting to see why..." he smirked before driving towards them.

Starla growled and was being held back by Stripes and Zeg. Gabby was staring at AJ and Blaze with a questioning look. The red truck looked guilty as he shrugged nonchalantly. Crusher rolled his eyes at his rival as he approached them.

"Hey, who's this?" he asked innocently.

"The name's Speedrick," said monster machine-turned race car turned to him with the usual smile of a playboy. "And what's your name, lightning boy?~"

"Crusher," Crusher turned to his rival. "Blaze, what is it with you and befriending assholes?"

"He befriended you," Stripes deadpanned.

"I'm an introverted cheater," Crusher corrected. "There's a difference,"

"He's actually right," Watts shrugged.

"Aw, that's so mean!" Speedrick brought out his crocodile tears. "How could you say that to me?!"

"I just did, so yeah," Crusher rolled his eyes once more at the drama. "At least I know what I am,"

"That's fair," Starla snickered.

"Come on, guys, play nice," AJ told them.

"We did, and Speedrick decided to flirt with Watts," Gabby crossed her arms.

"Okay..." Blaze took a deep breath and turned to Speedrick. "Speedrick, maybe you should apologize,"

"Well, I didn't know that she wasn't single," Speedrick defended with a huff.

Karma For Infidelity (BATMM One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now