Chapter 4

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"Yo Kie!" Ophelia called out to Kie as the HMS Pogue pulled up outide the wreck. Kie looked over and smiled and waved then grabed onto an ice box next to her and began to walk over to them excitedly 

"top of the morning to ya" Pope said to Kie as she got near the boat

"good morning" Kie told them with a large smile on her face

"morning" John B and Ophelia say to the girl and then they all notice the ice box in Kies hand

"Watcha got? some juice boxes?" Pope asked sarcastically, knowing what was actually in the cooler

"you know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks" Kie replied playing along with Popes joke with a smile and she jumped into the boat and smiled at all of her friends

"how about my kind of juice box?" JJ asked and Kie rolled her eyes playfully and nodded her head

"yeah" Kie replied and sat down and opened the cooler and began to pass a beer around to all of them and then she handed Ophelia a coke can with a smile

"thanks Kie" Ophelia smiled at her gratefully and opened the can and sat down. JJ sat down next to the girl and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and the two of them began to drink their drinks, JJ's eyes continuously swtiched between looking down at the beautiful girl under his arm and the pollution filled water around him

"Hey you wanna see a party trick?" JJ suddenly asks Ophelia with a giant grin on his face as he unwraps his arm from her and then stands up and makes his way to the front of the boat with his beer in his hand

"Hey pope, can you go a little faster please?" JJ asks Pope who had taken over driving the boat for a little while and now JJ had the attention of everyone who was staring at him with humour in their eyes, knowing that JJ was probably going to fail

"Here we go, Keep moving" John B says to Pope with a grin and Pope nods his head and then begins to speed up the boat.

"it doesnt work JJ, you have tried this like 6 thousand times" Ophelia called out to him with a grin on her face, already knowing what JJ was about to try and do

"now now kitten, ive got this. Its gonna work" he said to her and sent her a wink before turning around to face the front and then he held his beer infront of him and above his head and began to pour it, attempting to get the wind to push the liquid into his mouth and while some of it went into his mouth, a majority of it sprayed out behind him, landing on all of his friends

"Oh my god" Pope muttered in disappoval as he looked up at JJ

"youre getting beer in my hair" Kie complained and glared up at JJ who was still attempting his so called 'party trick'

"all right, alright youre done" the boys begin to call out to JJ, having enough of getting sprayed with beer, and finally JJ stops but just as he does it, the boat hits a current in the water and stops sending JJ flying right over the edge and Ophelia flies sideways and hits her head hard on the side of the boat, letting out a curse word before quickly standing up and running over to the front of the boat in panic as she looks around for JJ

"JJ?!" she called and looked around, begining to freak out as the blonde boy doesnt resurface from the water but finally his head pops up and he lets out a small groan of pain and Ophelia finally begins to breath again and lets out a sigh of relief "thank jesus. JJ are you okay?" she called out to him, still concerned

"i think my heels touched the back of my head" JJ muttered out and kept his eyes closed as he floated on the surface of the water

"Kie, Oph, are you guys alright" John B asked the two girls as he sat up painfully and let out a small grunt

"yeah" Kie replied as she sat up, unharmed but Ophelia didnt say anything as she kept her eyes on JJ as if he was going to suddenly sink to the bottom of the Marsh and she would never see him again

"pope what happened?" JJ asks in annoyance as he finally begins to swim over to the boat again

"sandbar, the channels changed" Pope replied to his friend

"yeah, no shit" JJ muttered out sarcastically and begins to climb back onto the boat, none of the boys nor kie had noticed the gash on Ophelias head or the blood that was pouring down the side of her face.

"Ugh, this is probably going to mess this whole place up" John B muttered out in annoyacne, he planned on getting some good fishing in today, but if they scared away all of the fish, then that wasnt going to happen.

JJ finally pulled himself up onto the boat with his beer in his hand and turned to Ophelia with a proud grin on his face "look i saved my b-" he stopped talking as soon as he noticed the crimson liquid that was running down her face, he dropped the beer and rushed over to her and grabbed her head in his hands and began to observe the wound "what the hell, we need to get you back and go to the doctor"

Ophelia grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands from her face and gave him a reasuring smile "im fine JJ, its just a little bit of blood" she told him and he unwrapped his bandana from his wirst and wringged it out and then wrapped it around her head to stop the blood from comming out of it "JJ im serious, im fine"

"youre not fine" JJ scoffed worriedly and then turned to look at Pope, anger written all over his face "hey man, this is your fault" JJ exclaimed angrily and pope put his hands up in surrender but then it was Kies turn to scoff

"How was it Popes fault? youre the one that told him to drive faster" Kie yelled back angrily and JJ stepped back a bit as he realised that she had a point but Ophelia quickly stepped forwards and grabbed onto his hand

"Hey, its nobody's fault okay, it was an accident" she said calmly but JJ couldnt even bring himself to look up at her, instead he grabbed another beer and then stormed over to the back of the boat and sat down there by himself and began to drink his beer, it was an awkward silence but then suddenly Pope noticed something in the water

"hey guys, i think there is a boat down there" Pope called out, JJ didnt look, he didnt flinch, he just continued to sip his beer and look out into the Marsh

"shut up" John B said, thinking that Pope was just trying to make the situation less awkward

"no no really, look"

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