Chapter 1

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"Get down from there you idiot, you could fall!" Ophelia Atkins called out to her best friend who was currently risking his life by balancing on top of the roof of an empty and un-completed house that they had broken into 20 minutes prior.

Ophelia was sitting with her other best friend, JJ Maybank who was sipping on his bear and continuously stealing quick glances at the girl next to him as she drank her lemonade, refusing to drink alcohol, they were both sitting on top of the roof with their legs dangling over the side.

Ophelias long brown, wavey hair blew around softly in the gentle wind and her pale skin glowed elegantly in the light coming from the sunset.

"Thats what? a three story fall to the deck? I give you about a one in three chance of survival" Pope called out to John B as he mucked around with some of the tools that had been left down on the patio that he was walking around on

John B grinned down at his friends and stuck his finger in his mouth and then took it out and raised it into the air to see which way the wind was blowing "should i do it?" John B then called out and turned around to look at JJ, who he knew would be down for him to do it, afterall he was the most reckless and daring one of the group

"yeah you should jump, ill shoot you on the way down" Pope called out to him, causing all of them to look down at the boy who had a electric drill in his hand and he was pointing it up in John Bs direction as if it were a gun and he were going to use it to shoot the tan, curly haired brunette.

"You'll shoot me?" John B asked, the tone in his voice ignited a challenging feeling and he pointed his hand in the shape of a gun right back down at pope and then made a small gun noise, pretending to have shot Pope

"they are going to have Japenese toilets with towel warmers" Kiara, better known as Kie, said in disgust as she walked out of the back door of the house and out to where the rest of her friends were

"of course they are, why wouldnt they?" John B asked her with a grin, they were after all on the rich side of the island, and therefore it definietly didnt come as a shock to him, a boy who has spent his entire life on the poor side of the Outer Banks, that the rich people would have expensive furntiture and equipment in their house.

"this used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles i guess?" Kie asked sarcastically and walked out further and then finally looked up at John B who was now balancing on one foot as he stood up on the high roof

"I cant have cold towls" JJ replied sarcastically and Ophelia sent him a wide grin, which only seemed to make his smile grown even wider due to the fact he was the reason that she was smiling

"Can you please not kill yourself?" Kie called out to John B, having to squint slightly due to the sun which was slowly setting over past the ocean in front of them, the ocean which perfectly matched the blue eyes of the short, pale girl sitting next to JJ

"Don't spill that beer, im not giving you another one!" JJ called out to John B and then as soon as he said it, the wind picked up slightly and John B began to sway and then he dropped his beer as he quickly straightened himself out so that he wouldnt go tumbling off of the top of the roof. The cheap beer smashed into the ground below them and Ophelia snorted softly in laughter at the irony

"Of course you did! like right when i told you not to drop it" JJ called out to his best friend and rolled his eyes and John B let out an annoyed and disappointed grunt as he looked down at the now empty can of beer and its liquid condiments which were leaking out, surrounding the can

"Nice going John B" Ophelia called out to him sarcastically as she grinned up at the boy who was now looking over at her with a smirk on his lips as she rolled her eyes playfully at him

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