A False Past

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Shout out to Knightmare4590. Thank you for your comment and vote, I deeply appreciate it. I'd love you to comment again, I love reading them.

As always, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Another will be posted.

All the Love.


Loki looks around in a daze. He doesn't know how long he's been in this place or why they had decided to stop torturing him now. 

Couldn't they tell he is already broken? They found him floating through space and time, for goodness sake. He is all alone now. His family doesn't want him. He's sure Thor hates him just as much as the Allfather was discouraged by him. He has nothing. He is nothing.

"Such depressing thoughts for a man so young." A deep voice echoes from behind Loki. "Why is it that you think all these things?" From where Loki is bound he can't turn to see the hidden figure talking to him. "You see, I've spent the last four months picking through your brain and I haven't found many memories that go along with what you think of yourself."

The figure behind Loki finally moves to walk around him as Loki says; "Then you haven't sifted through enough of my memories."

But that's all Loki says when he sees the face of his captor. Thanos, a mutant Titanian Eternal, who has spent much of his life concurring planets and killing millions of people.

Loki's head starts to feel like it will explode, "Here, let me show you what I've found."

Memory after memory starts to vividly play within Loki's mind. The first one being a memory from his childhood when his mother first started teaching him sorcery. He took to it like bread and butter, each day learning harder and harder spells, reading as many books on sorcery as he could staying up late to do so. 

{Memory 1}

Loki skims the first ten pages of the thirteenth chapter of his book, trying to find something new to learn. As he turns to the next page his ten-year-old eyes find something intriguing. 

"Astral Projection-" Loki slightly skim the page then begins reading it aloud. "a paranormal interpretation of an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation." Loki hears his brother shift in his bed just across the room, so he reads more quietly. "Astral projection assumes the existence of another body, separate from the physical body and capable of traveling to non-physical planes of existence or having the power to appear to others without them knowing the difference."

Loki felt a smirk come across his lips as he closed the book. He had never tried anything but hand magic before. But he wants to prove to himself that he can do more than just hand tricks, that he can do something truly amazing. 

Loki layers straight on his bed and closes his eyes trying to focus on what he wants his sorcery to do. His mother's words fill his thoughts as he concentrates, 'You can do anything, no matter how hard, as long as you believe you can and concentrate. Vividly think about what you want to do and your power will take it from there.'

Sparks flutter through his body which makes his green eyes open. He finds himself floating above his bed peering down at his seemingly sleeping body. He giggles quietly and moves his arms like he's swimming, while he floats over to his brother's bed. 

Loki peers down at his sleeping older brother for just a second before Thor's sleepy voice asks; "Bad dream brother?" Thor slightly moves over in his bed to make room for Loki, then pats it. "Here, lay with me."

Loki's astral projection quickly returns to his body. His eyes blink open and he quickly leaves his bed and goes to Thor.

As he gently climbs into Thor's bed, he whispers; "Thank you."

Thor just lets out an 'Mhmm' and drapes his arm over his brother.

. . .

Loki's brain feels like it could explode as he's quickly pulled out of that memory and into another one.

{Memory 2}

"Loki!" Thor's voice echoes through the library to where Loki is sitting, but Loki ignores him. "Loki!" Thor hollers once more, as his footsteps get closer to the corner Loki is sitting in. "Loki!" 

'Oof' Loki sounds out as Thor roughly sits down next to him making Lok drop his book in his lap, losing his place in the process.

Loki glares down at the fallen book then towards his brother. "What is it, Thor?"

Though he is looked at with cold eyes, Thor looks like a giddy puppy and quickly asks, "Won't you come spare with me?"

Loki rolls his eyes and picks his book up out of his lap. "I have no sparing skills, brother."

"Not yet, you don't." Thor smiles, "Come on, Loki, let me teach you."

After Thor begged to teach Loki for another ten minutes, Loki finally gives in and lets Thor show him a few things. They went to the royal garden that resided just outside the back of the palace. 

At the age of 15, there wasn't much for Thor to teach Loki, but he'd tried to teach him as much as he could. Hand-to-hand combat seemed to be the easiest thing to teach Loki, so that's what Thor taught him first.

However, after being hit to the ground numerous times and being drenched in sweat, Loki was ready to leave within the hour. 

"Alright, Thor, I'm done." Loki says with irritation as he stands from the ground and wipes the dirt from his pants. 

"Oh come on brother."

"What is the point?" Loki asks and looks towards the ground. "I'm a weakling-"

Thor puts his hands on his brother's shoulders and with an urging voice says; "No you're not." Loki blinks at him with wide eyes. "You just-" Thor let's go of Loki with a sheepish smile, "-you just have to learn to defend yourself."

. . .

Loki's ears begin to ring as that memory ends. He squeezes his eyes shut and with all his strength he tries to push Thanos out of his head.

Loki doesn't want to relive these memories. They seem like lies now. Of times that his brother just pretended to care. Of the times he felt safe within the palace. Of the lies that were told to him by everyone around him.

"Get! Out!" Loki finally screamed out. Thanos loses his grip on Loki's mind with Loki's last surge of energy pushing him out. Thanos falls back as Loki passes out, his head hanging as his body tilts forward.

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