**I wouldn't know how to
write the escape, but it is the same as cannon**

As Kipo entered last, she looked at the others, who looked, rather carefree. Wolf picked a mushroom to lay on, Benson laying with Dave, both dozing off. Mandu squealed, picking a spot to lay with Wolf. Kipo frowned, still very unaware on how to respond to what happened not even a second ago.

She sighed, going over to a mushroom for herself, and got comfortable. It was going to be a long night..


Kipo had not yet dozed off, she could not and would not. She sat up, looking at the others, all asleep. Kipo quietly got up, and left the building full of big fluffy mushrooms. She picked up the axe that was thrown and used for their escape, and walked to the trees. When she felt it was right to stop, she looked up at the tree, and sighed.

She swung her axe, and pulled herself up, swinging her axe up higher then her current spot, and continued. She went on and on, studying to herself quietly to keep herself calm.

Eventually, she reached the top, the great canopy. She poked her head out of the leaves, and looked around. "It seems oddly quiet.." Kipo mumbled.

A snarl came from behind, the pink human slowly looking back, the cat jumping over her and hissing. It put it's paws over a giant butterfly, but he couldn't catch it. "Darn you!" The grey cat with purple eyes shouted, waving their clenched paw up.

It looked back, glaring at Kipo, "Oh my gosh! You're Yumyan!"

He hissed, "And you made me loose the butterfly! You know how long I've been chasing that rotten insect!?"

Kipo opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted, "Three days!" He snarled, turning again to find the big butterfly in its spot. "Oh, but to him, yes him, it's all just a dance. He just, flutters around, beckoning me to believe he's saying, 'Look at me, I'm so pretty!' Eventually, he has to tire out." He snarled. "Any moment now.." He said quietly, lowering himself, and getting ready. "Yumyan owns you all!" He shouted, jumping and trying to catch the bug.

He yowled when it flew off, landing elsewhere, Kipo getting comfortable on the canopy, "What's that you're saying? Yumyan owns you all!"

He snarled, "It's a new battlecry I'm trying out, to strike fear in to enemies of mine! Of which I have many, of course. They will cower when they hear it!"

Kipo nodded slowly, "Right- Speaking of enemies though- There's a mega mute out here, I've heard it's taken your tree!" Kipo exclaimed. "I have a bit of reason to believe it has my dad."

Yumyan snarled, glaring at Kipo, "I do not work with humans, human."

"It's Kipo." She cleared up. "Out of my curiosity, why do you need that insect so bad?"

"He lived on the Scratching Tree! It's spirit lives in him now. I hear it, it's speaking to me. I named him Charles. What's that, Charles?" Yumyan perked up, his eyes widening. "You want me to get you? You want me to get you?" Yumyan laughed. "I'm gonna get you!"

He pounced, missing the butterfly, the insect, or, Charles, flying back down. Kipo sat down, "Mind if I try?"

Yumyan stood up, then signaled to it. Kipo faced the butterfly, holding her open hand out, waving it over. Charles was tempted, nothing better then someone to land on. He fluttered over, landing on Kipo's head, closing it's wings.

The cat yowled, "Yumyan owns you all!" He shouted, pouncing.

Kipo gasped, "Fly for your life!"

Charles flew up, Yumyan crying to himself in the leaves, "No! The trees spirit lives in it! Charles! Come back!"

Kipo waved her hands, "Okay! That's it! I'm not the only one who needs you or your help! There's a village of very panicked cats down there!" Kipo said, pointing down. "They need you!"

Yumyan sat up, his tail curling up by his side, the cat wiping his nose, "I- I can't! I've failed them! I let that thing take our tree! Now Charles has its spirit!"

Kipo growled, "Now you're making a bunch of excuses!"

Yumyan snarled, then let out a faint whine, "You're right. I ran away in fear!"

Kipo sighed and sat down by Yumyan, putting her hand on his leg, "So you're stuck. Do you wanna tell me about it?"

Yumyan looked over at her, then back out to the endless green leaves, "I was just about to have my evening scratch purr usual, next thing I know, a being is looking down at me with the eyes as red as a loggers flannel. Six arms, ready to fight. So, I ran up this tree.."

"Any sane being, human or mute, would have done the same." Kipo said to assure the mute.

Yumyan snarled, "Not a leader of the great Timbercats! Look at them down there.."

The cats were panicking, first they loose their prisoners, then they nearly die because of the hairballs. "I am, but they need you, Yumyan, more then their tree."

The butterfly flew down, "She's right man, they need you." He said, looking over at the two.

Kipo gasped, "Wow-"

"Maybe you're right." Yumyan nodded and sighed.

Kipo got up, "Ready to go down?"

Yumyan nodded, "Just, give me some time.."

Kipo backed up, and rammed in to Yumyan, "Kipo owns you all!!!"

Yumyan yowled, the Timbercats just below them sighing. "First we loose Yumyan, then our prisoners..!" Ruffles huffed, drawing something in the dirt that looked distinctly like Yumyan.

Molly snarled, then sighed, "As long as we hold axes in our paws we will always be Timbercats. And as long as we have Yumyan in our hearts, he'll always-"

"Be right there!" Shoelace exclaimed, pointing to a tree.

Yumyan sliced through the tree with his claws, "YUMYAN OWNS YOU ALL!" He shouted, then landed on all fours at the bottom of the tree.

He shivered, then smirked, Kipo just managing to survive in his fur. She gasped for air, falling out of his fur, and looking at the others with a smile. Molly and Ruffles went over, holding up Yumyan's guitar, the cat in charge taking it, and weighing it, "I almost forgot what it was like to hold it.."

Over with the others, Mandu had just fallen off the mushroom, getting up and groggily looking around. Her eyes widened as she saw no Kipo in sight. She got up, nudging Wolf, squealing in a panicked manor. "Mandu..Quiet.."

The pig squealed, pushing Wolf off of the mushroom, the human getting up, and looking around. Wolf rushed to the entrance of the building, her heart racing, Mandu waking up the boys. As they approached, Wolf turned and glared at Benson, "We had one job Bug Boy!"

He yawned, rubbing his eyes, "Which was..?"

"Keep Kipo from dying! She's not here idiot!"

Dave yawned, Mandu hopping on his head, then up to Benson's shoulder, struggling to get up, and putting her two front hooves on Benson's head. She squealed, Benson walking out of the building, Wolf quickly following, then leading the way. "If the angry cats haven't killed her, I may do so myself." Dave muttered. "That was a great dream.."

Mandu squealed, patting Benson's head, Benson spotting the ditcher. "I can't wait to see this! You'll look so cute!" Kipo exclaimed, tying off the string.

Yumyan glanced down at his now braided beard, "That's not what I was going for but thanks."

Kipo looked up, spotting her group of mutes and humans, "Hey! Wolf! Guess what guess what?" Kipo smiled.

Wolf facepalmed, "Kipo.."

"We have an army now! Isn't this just great!?" Kipo exclaimed, holding up her axe.

Yumyan cheered, raising his axe, "We will join you humans! We will get our revenge!!!"

To be continued.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now