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Its monday 7am and Marinette just came back from her adventure with catnoir. She is really tired.. she goes in her bed and closes her eyes but then her alarm goes off. "Ughh i didn't get any sleep, again! Its so hard to be a superhero." MARINETTE WAKE UP, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL! Yells her mom. YES IM COMMING! She gets up with verry tired eyes and gets dressed. Im going to school bye mom, bye dad! She runs into her class and excuses herself for being late..again. Everyone looked at her but they are kinda getting used to it. "This better be the last time Marinette." She runs to her place next to Alya.
After school she hangs out with her friends. " i made a card for Adrien but im so scared to give it to him girls.." Common girl you can do this! "Okay today is the day!" Marinette goes to Adrien his house and asks to come in. Nathaly doesnt let her in cause Adrien isnt home, so she goes away. Since he's not back yet, i can go trough the window! Tikki im sorry but i have to be ladybug for this real quick, it wont take long i promise! TIKKI SPOTS ON..YEAH! When she goes trough the window into Adrien's room she looks at all his stuff.Okay Marinette focus! You're here to confess ur feelings for him. She takes the card she made and writes her name on it. Okay that will be good enough! She puts  the card on his bed and goes trough the window again but on that moment Adrien walks into his room and sees Ladybug going away trough his window. Huh what was she doing in my room? He sees the card on his bed so he takes it and reads it. Its from Marinette but why did Ladybug bring it to me.. " Its just because Marinette asked ladybug!" No plagg i think.. i think ladybug and Marinette are the same person..IT ALL MAKES SENCE NOW! "No no no Marinette is Marinette and Ladybug is..."MARINETTE! I PROMISE I WONT TELL ANYONE! JUST BECAUSE I KNOW HER IDENTITY DOESNT MEAN SHE HAS TO KNOW MINE!
              The next day after school

Hey girls! I did it! I  brought the card to Adrien yesterday so i think he readed it cause he was looking alot at me today.. OMG YAS GIRLLL! *Marinette looks behind her and sees Adrien* O-oh hey Adrien!
Hey Marinette, i readed the card u gave me. Oh haha did you li-like it?
Yes but there is something i need to tell you..
I've realised that your not just a friend of me.. i always felt like you were more then that! And now i know why.. it is because i love  you Marinette. *Marinette in shock* So.. Marinette Dupain Cheng, will you be my girlfriend? *both blushes* OMG YES!! *The girls chearing and Adrien and Marinette kissing*

The few weeks were just normal nothing special until...

You have to break up with my son. I dont want you to have a relation with my son! But i didnt do anything! *cries*
She loves Adrien, and Adrien Loves her. YOU CANT-
I can, and if she doesnt break up with adrien, he will never go to school again and wont ever see his friends again.
Adrien doesnt deserve this!
Then make the right choise.
*Marinette cries*

____________the next day________________

*Marinette goes to Adrien his house and knocks on the door*
Marinette? Why wont you come in? Whats  wrong?
Adrien.. i- forgive me We're just.. we are just not right for each other.
Marinette what are you talking about..?
Ofcourse we are. We love eachother!
No..i dont love you..anymore! *cries and runs away*
Marinette! Please let me trough cant end like this. IT CANT END AT ALL!
I love her.. i beg you please..*runs after Marinette and sees a akuma*
*Kills akuma*
You were about to be akumatized i didnt have a choise m'lady.
M-m'lady.. but how did you know, i thought our identitys were supposed to remain as secret!
*hugs catnoir*
Everything will be okay, i promise.
*Nathaly watching trough the window and is in shock*
Its Adrien..your son.He is...he is catnoir! own son?! *smirk*
The miraculous will soon be mine!
___________  the next day ________________

Your done hawkmoth! Give us back you miraculous!
*throws his cane to them but catnoir cathes it and throws it in the water*
I would put that cataclysm away if i were you, ADRIEN.
*catnoir in shock* How do you-
*Emily her chest opens*
Im doing it for her Adrien. For you, for us.
Father?! Why why..WHY?!
*runs to his father with his cataclysm claw but stops right before him*
*hawkmoth smiles and takes his cane back and hits catnoir with the cane*


*catnoir lays on the ground*
We can save your mother by using your miraculous and hers!
No, just stop!
*ladybug arrived*
Dont listen to him! You know there will be a terrible price to pay!
Stop it, stop it.. STOP IT!
*hawkmoth akumatizes him*
Catblanc, im giving you the infinite power of destruction! Together you and i will seize ladybugs miraculous and awaken your mother. OBEY!
Im sorry ladybug..*transforms into catblanc*
Seize her miraculous my son!
No Adrien! You have to resist.
I dont know what to do! M'lady..
To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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