Part 1

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1) #Thinkin Often things are beyond your control, but don't ever let the reason why you didn't succeed be that you didn't try hard enough.

2) #Thinkin You can always go farther than you think.

3) #Thinkin There is no point in regrets - everything shapes you into the person you are today. Live, love, learn, and move on to the next thing.

4) #Thinkin If you're finding the same relationship faults in others, perhaps it's time to look inward for the common denominator.

5) #Thinkin The value of your education is more what YOU put into it than what is on the piece of paper at the end.

6) #Thinkin 20 years from now you probably won't say I'm glad I didn't do XYZ... If you have the chance to have an adventure, take it.

7) #Thinkin People are usually far more worried about what's going on in their own lives to worry about the gossip in yours.

8) #Thinkin I've never heard an adult say I'm glad my mom let me quit piano.

9) #Thinkin You can't expect someone else to validate and complete you. If you don't love yourself yet, you're not ready for a real relationship.

10) #Thinkin Sometimes the toughest thing about democracy is that everyone is allowed to vote.

#Thinkin -Chris RuppWhere stories live. Discover now